e-VGA 6800 GT over heating


Jun 2, 2005
My e-VGA 6800 GT is idling at 79c and reaches max. temp. of 120c within 20 min of me playing anything. The air flow in my tower is good, all my fans are working including on my video card, and the card is not overclocked.

I called e-VGA yesterday and they pretty much told me to go *%#@ myself they are not gonna do anything, unfortunate for me. So I guess if their is anyone who has any ideas please help. I was looking at third party coolers at new egg but I am not sure what to go with. Money is a serious issue for me right now so I won't be able to get a new card for at least 6 months if this one dies on me.
Please help.

Thank you.

system specs and temps

MSI k8t neo- 38 degrees F
AMD 64 3200+ @2420mghz- 137 degrees F
e-VGA 6800GT 256meg- 172 degrees F
1gig Mushkin xtreme xp4000
Antec full tower. I forgot the tower name but it's the older Alien Ware version.
Sounds like you have a lot of dust buildup on your heatsink. Pull the card, renove the 3 or 4 screws holding the cover on the heatsink, and check for a lot of dust at the edge of the heatsink. My 6800 GT was almost completely blocked off. I replaced the whole unit with an AC rev3 and run @ 390/1.14 on 3D all the time. 2D idle is 45c. I can't believe Evga was less than responsive to your needs, I rma'd a 4400 and got a new 4600 in return and it only took 5 days total, and just sent in an NF41 mobo after talking to a tech for about 2 minutes, and got a whole new mobo with all the accesories in a sealed box, took a week. My 2 rma's with Evga have left me with the utmost respect for their products and service, and it has worked out to my advantage. Good luck!
I pulled off the heatsink and fan cleaned everything off re-applied thermal paste and re-installed everything. The card is actually running cooler now (46c) than the day I got it. I should have done this in the first place but I kinda wanted to avoid taking the video card apart, thankfully it was not nearly the pain I thought it would be. Thanks for the help DEVILDOG.

I figured it's time to try a little overclocking now that everything is runnig cool so I used coolbits and unlocked the default OC options in the drivers. The card detected optimal frequancy at 420mhz core and 1.15 memory and is staying a cool 53c.
I don't think I can be angry at e-VGA any more.

If any one else has any opinions on some good VGA coolers let me know.
Was it easy to remove the screws and clean the dust directly off the heatsink? I think that I really need to do this, but I'm also pretty scared of screwing something up.
It helps if you have some jewelers screwdrivers, as they are so small, but otherwise it's a piece of cake job. Just don't lose the screws in the carpet!