DynDNS not auto updating


Mar 14, 2010
This is the 3rd time my IP has changed and has not updated with DynDNS. I have the application that runs in the system tray. The app knows my IP but when I log into my DynDNS account it doesn match. This started happening AFTER they went to a paid service if you want more than 2 hosts recently. Whats the point of dyndns if I have to manually update. Might as well just update on my domain's dns if I have to do that.

Anyone else having issues?
hmmm, i have the paid service, cause i wasn't logging in every 30 days. I only use mine to vnc into a home computer...can you maybe submit a ticket to dyndns tech support?
Do you have one of the domain names that is now only for the paid service.

I'm having that problem right now and its not looking like they grandfathered anybody into the new system.
hmmm that very well might be it. my hostname ends with .ath.cx. the only hosts you can choose from now conist of .dyndns*.com.

Ill create a new host when I get home tonite and see if it works.


What will happen to my current account and hostnames?
Nothing, as long as you keep your hostnames active and up-to-date. If you allow your account or hostnames to expire, you will have to select from the new domains instead and will be limited to the 2 free hostnames.

Even though their Detailed Transistion Details (the transisition over to a paid service) states nothing should change with existing hosts.
oh that sucks. so they are limiting it to 2 hostnames now? fuckers
dyndns.org was so annoying a few months ago. They kept sending out these fucking surveys and shit to my email addresses, with talks of being entered to win a free iPad. I'm like i don't want one of those, and i don't want to take your fucking survey. Leave me alone. a-holes.
