DYN DNS no longer free in 30 days


[H]F Junkie
Nov 19, 2008
I just got an email saying that my dyndns free ddns hostname will no longer be free in 30 days. I have been using this for over a decade without any issue.

For the last 15 years, all of us at Dyn have taken pride in offering you and millions of others a free version of our Dynamic DNS Pro product. What was originally a product built for a small group of users has blossomed into an exciting technology used around the world.

That is why with mixed emotions we are notifying you that in 30 days, we will be ending our free hostname program. This change in the business will allow us to invest in our customer support teams, Internet infrastructure, and platform security so that we can continue to strive to deliver an exceptional customer experience for our paying customers.

Anyways what are the other free alternatives that are recommended? Also I believe I can get free ddns with my asus router.
Anyone can set up DDNS without much issue, you just need an authoritative nameserver..

Which I suppose isn't free. *shrug*
I have been using their products for a long time so this does kind of suck but I will find an alternative. Oh well.
I'm using the free service too. I've always kind of wanted to transition to my own domain, maybe now is the time.

Does anyone know if I can use one Standard dns account for two different locations and use say location1.mydomain.com and location2.mydomain.com or will I need two seperate Standard DNS accounts for it?

EDIT: I got the answer to my question. They allow 75 hostnames on the Standard DNS account. Really not the most terrible thing for 30 bucks a year.
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if you have a really old "vip" account you will be unaffected it seems...
I use freedns. It has its quirks if you want to use your own domain, but it serves its purpose for me.
Just subscribed. I have been using their service for over 10 years now for free and it has been great.

$67.50 total for 5 years is nothing for the value I get out of it.