DVD Kiosks To Charge $3 A Night?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that there aren’t many of you that would be willing to pay $3 a night for a rental from a kiosk.

As part of their deal, Universal and NCR have agreed to test charging more for certain titles in a small number of kiosks during the first 28 days. Under the tests, NCR is expected to charge a higher price, possibly $3, for the first night and a lower price, such as $2, for subsequent nights.
Eh no thanks. 2$ I perhaps would. But no higher.
now reading the article, its not a bad plan, pay alittle more to seen the movie sooner, instead of waiting the normal time before its released to the standard rate
$3 a night? If I wanted to pay that for a new release I'd go to the video store close to me and pay that for a five day rental. Or pay a little more and rent a new release blu-rau.
Kiosks were only going to stay cheap until the video stores started closing. Now that Blockbuster is biting the dust in a big way, they can creep back up with less problems.
rip off, i rather go to the store and overpay to them.

red box is 1 buck for dvd, 1.50 for blu-ray. i think blockbuster is the same.
With Movie Gallart in Canada gone bankrupt and Blockbuster getting close themselves, brink and mortor and kiosk companies better start pressuring hollywood to bring pricing of purchased DVDs and Blu-ray down to levels that discourage useage of Netflix or piracy.

If I can't buy a new release DVD from a kiosk for $5 and Blu-ray for $10 then kiss my money goodbye and they can go bankrupt like the rest.

Why rent when we have Netflix streaming? That seems crazy.
With Movie Gallart in Canada gone bankrupt and Blockbuster getting close themselves, brink and mortor and kiosk companies better start pressuring hollywood to bring pricing of purchased DVDs and Blu-ray down to levels that discourage useage of Netflix or piracy.

If I can't buy a new release DVD from a kiosk for $5 and Blu-ray for $10 then kiss my money goodbye and they can go bankrupt like the rest.

Why rent when we have Netflix streaming? That seems crazy.

because yet again it proves that the movie industry is still living in the the 90's and is scared of technology so they will continue to nick and dime everyone else instead of catching up to the rest of the world.. i mean hell they already forced netflix to sign a deal that delays movies a month which forces people to have to rent new releases from these damn kiosks instead of netflix..
I'll wait the 28 days, thank you very much. Me thinks the movie studios have lost what little mind they have, and think way to highly off themselves.
Not if they want to keep customers Part of the appeal of the Redbox business model us that the rentals are cheap and the kiosks are everywhere. Raise the price and cut your business drastically. At a buck a night, I occasionally rent crap movies for a kick. For three bucks, I'll pass for almost all movies since I can but them for six bucks in six months
Ironically, the kiosks run by NCR are operated under the Blockbuster Express name. Guess someone out there is just trying really REALLY hard to kill that brand. IMO, good.
because yet again it proves that the movie industry is still living in the the 90's and is scared of technology so they will continue to nick and dime everyone else instead of catching up to the rest of the world.. i mean hell they already forced netflix to sign a deal that delays movies a month which forces people to have to rent new releases from these damn kiosks instead of netflix..

Netflix signed the deals to increase their streaming library.
If I really want to see a movie I either go to the theater, wait for it to be out in blockbuster, or just wait till it comes out on VOD.

I had Netflix for a short trial version but they hardly had current released movies for streaming. Kind of a dissapointment considering it was one of the reasons for buying the PS3.
Basic economics in my viewpoint...

Demand goes up the $$$$ goes up.

They saw that it's a system that works and they're gonna push the profit margin up a bit to see if people are still willing to pay that much to see a movie.

Personally, if it was a blu-ray... I may consider $3 for the first night.
Kiosks were only going to stay cheap until the video stores started closing. Now that Blockbuster is biting the dust in a big way, they can creep back up with less problems.

This is exactly whats heppening. They dont see Blockbuster as a competitor anymore and will eventually charge just as much.
1 dollar, sure no problem, 1.50 okay, 1.75 it better be blu-ray it better have a good selection and lots of copy's so that all the good and new movies aren't gone after the first 3 people. Any more than 2 dollars and you can go eat a fat one, because I'm not paying it, same reason why blockbuster went out of business, if your not willing to do it for the price I want there are other options, the days of a captive audience are long since gone for the vast majority of markets!
I had Netflix for a short trial version but they hardly had current released movies for streaming. Kind of a dissapointment considering it was one of the reasons for buying the PS3.

I see that as an advantage. They have alot of stuff that I havent seen, thus I am discoverying stuff that I probably wouldn't have watched normally. I buy (on disc) alot of the popular stuff anyways so if Netflix just had the new popular stuff, like a Hot100 for movies, it wouldn't appeal to me.

Also the XBOX 360 version of Netflix is much better then the PS3 version....if you have both use the XBOX version. The XBOX doesn't require a disc, the menu's are much more fluid, and the menus are just better overall. Though I think you can search titles directly on the PS3, where as the XBOX just gives you 50 titles from various genres (at least I haven't found a search option).
eh, one of the companies (can't recall the name) doesn't even allow the kiosks to rent their movies the first 30 days, trying to get you to buy on an impulse when it comes out sight unseen (I'm guilty of this a few times)
It looks like I'd be one of the only ones to say "yes" to paying $3. The Blockbuster near us charges over $6 for rental of Blu-rays....
Netflix signed the deals to increase their streaming library.

Netflix gets movies late so they can get more copies of it in the end, thus making everyone happier (good luck with that one). At least, that's what they told us call center employees a while back.
greedy bastards. as one poster said it...suk ma nuts Universial! lol