Dusty Computer Case Contest


Jan 28, 2001
Here's my entry. This is one of my computers:





NOW you post this, lol, I could have beat that!

My file server is an old AMD K5 system that I threw a 300GB hard disk into (Making that old motherboard recognize a 300GB hard disk was fun :p ), and it has never once been cleaned...until just an hour or so ago when I finished putting it back together. XD

Oh well, painting it high gloss black actually makes the old girl look like a brand new computer that might have some real horsepower under the hood...when in reality it’s been reduced to life as a network disk that can play Quake 3 (PCI NVIDIA TNT2 for the win).
How can you be proud to take pictures off that?!
I have found dead creatures in a couple of my customers computers.

2 Mice, & something that hadn't been identified!
i would never want to be even considered for this type of entry. i cant stand extremely dirty computers.
I wish I had a camera yesterday... Pulled 5 Dell boxes out of our warehouse offices... Wow... When I went back there, my hands were white. When I came back, they were black. And that was just from carrying them around! The insides were really, really bad...
LordBritish said:
Here's my entry. This is one of my computers:






OMG I sneezed when I saw those pics.... :eek:
Now I wish I took a picture of my roommate's computer before we cleaned it out. I don't know how the CPU fan was still able to spin.
LOL Good gawd, time to break out the shopvac!! :p

I worked on a friend's computer once, who was always giving me grief about my housecleaning habits (hey, I'm a bachelor!! ;) ). I told her afterwards that she wasn't allowed to give me any more grief, when I showed her the WAD of dust I had pulled from her computer case.....enough to fill one of those seagate hard drive clamshell plastic cases! :eek:
Nivram said:
LOL Good gawd, time to break out the shopvac!! :p

I worked on a friend's computer once, who was always giving me grief about my housecleaning habits (hey, I'm a bachelor!! ;) ). I told her afterwards that she wasn't allowed to give me any more grief, when I showed her the WAD of dust I had pulled from her computer case.....enough to fill one of those seagate hard drive clamshell plastic cases! :eek:

My apartment may be a sh*t hole, but my computer will be DUST FREE!

lol :D
Aweee man. I just cleaned out my G5 last week :(. I was using it in a high dust environment... I had a buildup of 1cm thick dust on the RAM slots (they're horizontally positionned, not vertically like on most PC mobos).
my desk my be piled up with leyrs upon layers of promax wrapper, mountaindew cans, empty bawls bottles, papers, randome heat sink, gum and cables. but the one thing i insist is impecably clean is the inside of my computer.
Unknown-One said:
NOW you post this, lol, I could have beat that!
Oh well, painting it high gloss black actually makes the old girl look like a brand new computer that might have some real horsepower under the hood...when in reality it’s been reduced to life as a network disk that can play Quake 3 (PCI NVIDIA TNT2 for the win).

Hey, I have that card in my old HP desktop, it will even play CS 1.6 :)

That is one dusty case btw.. yikes
ciggwin said:
My apartment may be a sh*t hole, but my computer will be DUST FREE!

lol :D
Lol, Nivram's same story is over there from about 8 months ago, too. :)
ciggwin said:
My apartment may be a sh*t hole, but my computer will be DUST FREE!
Nothing worse than women with hairy armpits then dusty ass computer. :D
LOL.. I had this awesome computer at work that would have won. It was a Pinnacle DVE from 1985. (tv studio equipment) I opened it up one day, and all you could see was dust. No circuit boards, no components, no nothing. lol. The whole thing was just solid dust about 2.5'' deep. It looked like about 20 chinchillas packed into a computer case. :p I took a vacuum to it though and cleaned it all out. =(
I work in a computer shop in a small town, you should see some of the things the rednecks bring in. They want these things that use the serial ports before ps2 came along to be repaired. Finding ISA modems to replace the ones they burned out is always fun.
My dusty computer is a P3 800.

Still useable as a surfing/email machine.

It's now officially retired and I have no use for it any more.
I might give it away to charitee or something.
LordBritish said:
My dusty computer is a P3 800.

Still useable as a surfing/email machine.

It's now officially retired and I have no use for it any more.
I might give it away to charitee or something.
Toss a big hard disk and a second ethernet card in it and set it up as a file server / router / firewall.
My semi-dusty computer (can't even contend with the OP) is a Dell Dimension 1GHz/384SDRAM/60GB HDD/32MB Radeon VE my mom uses for web browsing and email. But it gets used maybe three times a week....
My computer almost gets to looking like that pretty fast. I constantly have to clean it or I would be a real contender in this contest. :eek: