dumb counter strike source question


Limp Gawd
Sep 10, 2000
I would like to be able to bing a key to buy a certain combination of guns, ammo, and equipment. i'll be damned if i can't find a guide or walk through to do this. i hate using the buy menu. also i'd like to bind a key to switch to my pistol instantly so i don't have to use the mouse wheel.

i know there has to be a way to do this i just don't know how.
Well, there are autobuy and quickbuy keys. In your cstrike folder, there is autobuy.txt. There are also quickbuys (look in the buy menu), but I don't know how to use those as I never used them.

Q switches weapons in order of use.

1 = Primary (big gun)
2 = Secondary (pistol)
3 = Knife
4 = Explosives
5 = C4 (Terrorists only)
//config version 1.0

name "sD Isaacav2"

jpeg_quality 100
sensitivity 11.5
cl_crosshairscale 42000
cl_crosshairalpha 1000
cl_observercrosshair 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair 1
cl_crosshairusealpha 1

fps_max 85
mat_monitorgamma 1.6
fog_enable 0
fog_enable_water_fog 0

r_rootlod -7
r_lod -5
r_decal_cullsize -1

voice_dsound 1
snd_digital_surround 1
snd_mixahead .2
soundscape_fadetime 9999

net_graph 3
rate 30000
cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 60
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime .00
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_interpolate 1
cl_interp .1

cl_downloadfilter "nosounds"
cl_minmodels 0
cl_c4dynamic light "1"
cl_phys_props_enable "0"
cl_phys_props_max 0
cl_ragdoll_collide "1"
cl_show_bloodspray 1

violence_ablood 1
violence_agibs 1
violence_hblood 1
violence_hgibs 1

alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"
bind "SHIFT" "+cjump"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "jpeg"
bind "CTRL" "+speed"
bind "SPACE" "+duck"

bind "ALT" "drop"

bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ENTER" "messagemode"
bind "'" "messagemode2"

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "+reload"
bind "Mouse4" "+voicerecord"
bind "MOUSE5" "+showscores"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"

bind q "slot2"
bind e "slot1"
bind r "use weapon_knife"
bind g "use weapon_flashbang"
bind f "use weapon_hegrenade"
bind c "use weapon_smokegrenade; use weapon_c4"
bind x "go"
bind z "+use"

bind "1" "buy awp; buy primammo; buy vesthelm; buy flashbang; buy hegrenade; buy deagle; buy secammo; buy defuser; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade"
bind "2" "buy m4a1; buy ak47; buy primammo"
bind "3" "buy aug; buy galil; buy primammo"
bind "4" "buy tmp; buy mac10; buy primammo"
bind "5" "buy mp5; buy primammo"
bind "6" "buy p90; buy primammo"
bind "7" "buy scout; buy primammo"
bind "8" "buy g3sg1; buy sg550; buy primammo"
bind "9" "buy awp; buy primammo"
bind "0" "buy deagle; buy secammo"
bind "-" "buy flashbang"
bind "=" "buy hegrenade"
bind "BACKSPACE" "buy vesthelm"
bind "\" "buy defuser"
bind "]" "buy smokegrenade"
bind "[" "buy hegrenade; buy flashbang; buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade"
bind "p" "buymenue"
bind "o" "buy primammo"
bind "i" "buy secammo"

hud_deathnotice_time 17
hud_saytext_time 10

bind b "ma_givecash sD 16000"
bind n "ma_givecash #all 16000"
bind , "ma_restrict awp 2"
bind . "ma_restrict awp 4"

bind uparrow "admin"
bind downarrow "chooseteam"
bind leftarrow "spectate"
bind rightarrow "admin; menuselect 1; menuselect 4"

bind F1 "sv_cheats 1"
bind F2 "mp_autoteambalance 0"
bind F3 "mp_limitteams 8"
bind F4 "endround"
bind F5 "bot_add t"
bind F6 "bot_kick t"
bind F7 "bot_add ct"
bind F8 "bot_kick ct"
bind F9 "bot_zombie 1"
bind F10 "bot_zombie 0"
bind F11 "impulse 101"

alias rec "demo1"
alias demo1 "record demo1; say Recording demo 1; alias rec enddemo1"
alias enddemo1 "say End recording demo 1; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo2"
alias demo2 "record demo2; say Recording demo 2; alias rec enddemo2"
alias enddemo2 "say End recording demo 2; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo3"
alias demo3 "record demo3; say Recording demo 3; alias rec enddemo3"
alias enddemo3 "say End recording demo 3; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo4"
alias demo4 "record demo4; say Recording demo 4; alias rec enddemo4"
alias enddemo4 "say End recording demo 4; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo5"
alias demo5 "record demo5; say Recording demo 5; alias rec enddemo5"
alias enddemo5 "say End recording demo 5; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo6"
alias demo6 "record demo6; say Recording demo 6; alias rec enddemo6"
alias enddemo6 "say End recording demo 6; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo7"
alias demo7 "record demo7; say Recording demo 7; alias rec enddemo7"
alias enddemo7 "say End recording demo 7; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo8"
alias demo8 "record demo8; say Recording demo 8; alias rec enddemo8"
alias enddemo8 "say End recording demo 8; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo9"
alias demo9 "record demo9; say Recording demo 9; alias rec enddemo9"
alias enddemo9 "say End recording demo 9; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo10"
alias demo10 "record demo10; say Recording demo 10; alias rec enddemo10"
alias enddemo10 "say End recording demo 10; wait; wait; wait; stop demo; alias rec demo1"
bind "f12" "rec"


echo "Isaacav2's config version 1.0 loaded ...."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo "."
echo ".+"
echo ".+++"
echo ".++++++"
echo ".++++++++++"
echo ".++++++++++++++"
echo ".+++++++++++++++++++++"
echo ".----------------------------"
echo ".++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo ".++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo ".+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

Make a autoexec.cfg textfile in your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\YOURNAME\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg FOLDER then paste what you want from my config there :)
kernal_panic said:
I would like to be able to bing a key to buy a certain combination of guns, ammo, and equipment. i'll be damned if i can't find a guide or walk through to do this. i hate using the buy menu. also i'd like to bind a key to switch to my pistol instantly so i don't have to use the mouse wheel.

i know there has to be a way to do this i just don't know how.
I would just claim ignorance and ask someone to give the info cause I hate to say it but its easily found =) try here http://www.counter-script.net...IMHO I think its best to understand the scripting and make your own cause its really not too bad. this is a great site and even has a generator

But what you want and then save it under those quick buy things on the right in the buy menu. They have a key combination so you can buy quickly. IE if you saved under slot S you can just press B and S when the round starts.