Dull colors on Lenovo x120e screen I just purchased...

FM 3370

Jun 29, 2002
I just purchased a Lenovo Thinkpad X120e from Craigslist and think it's almost perfect except for the dull screen colors. Is there a way to get more color out of the panel? With the same image on my desktop screen Dell P2210, colors are much richer than on the X120e screen.

So is this something I need to get used to or can I make the colors stand out more? The screen is at full brightness which I always use, the drivers seem to be up to date. If I could get colors to show up as vibrantly as the desktop screen that would be perfect.

Edit: After doing more research today it looks like the screen is a little dimmer than what I'm used to on my former HP Mini 110. I did change the gamma on the Windows 7 color calibration and it made a bit of a difference. Overall this a f--n awesome laptop for what I needed/wanted.
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