Dubai Splurges on Lamborghini Police Cruiser

Actually Dubai has about 20 years worth of oil left. The rest of the UAE however has about another 95 years before they run dry.

I love people who think they can some how make even a remotely accurate guess at how much of a natural resource the earth has left :eek:
Dubai isn't exactly large. By the time you hit 217 mph, you're in Oman.
Our Capitol building and White House are built by slaves too. ;)

UAE is just coming into modern society. They'll eventually grow up and join the world abolishing slaves. It's not a matter of if, but of when. Same with China.

Your apparent ignorance and lack of regards for others are nothing short of astonishing.

We're not living in some 14th or 17th century. This entirely CITY is built by slaves...and is still being built by slaves in brutal conditions that tames in comparison to China. Real slaves with all that it implies.

On top of that, this city has been supported by governments and corporations all over the world...even investments made by celebrities.

What part of sex slavery do you not understand? You think it's all roses? There isn't much evil beyond sex slavery-it's about as violent and brutal as it can get. And I don't think you even know at all how modern sex slavery comes into being. Here's a has nothing to do with modernism or how backward a country might be.
Your apparent ignorance and lack of regards for others are nothing short of astonishing.

We're not living in some 14th or 17th century. This entirely CITY is built by slaves...and is still being built by slaves in brutal conditions that tames in comparison to China. Real slaves with all that it implies.

On top of that, this city has been supported by governments and corporations all over the world...even investments made by celebrities.

What part of sex slavery do you not understand? You think it's all roses? There isn't much evil beyond sex slavery-it's about as violent and brutal as it can get. And I don't think you even know at all how modern sex slavery comes into being. Here's a has nothing to do with modernism or how backward a country might be.

Ignorance and lack of regards? Putting words into other people's mouth? I didn't say anything about cities nor sex slaves nor did I say anything about how I felt about it.

Take a hike and preach to someone else.
You're right....I am putting words in your mouth because slavery is not anything to joke about at all. There are certain lines that shouldn't be crossed with certain issues/subjects.
This will make it harder for someone to impersonate a police officer.
You're right....I am putting words in your mouth because slavery is not anything to joke about at all. There are certain lines that shouldn't be crossed with certain issues/subjects.

I made no joke. I said historically the United States of America had used slaves to build buildings. The UAE may have modern amenities, but they're still in the stone age where human rights and fair government is concerned and if they wish to join the rest of the world, they will EVENTUALLY have to shed some of their unethical vices. Nobody said it'll be easy and nobody said it'll happen overnight. I agree with you that corporations are making it difficult because government are paid to turn a blind eye. But it'll catch up with them some day in the future.
Join the rest of the world? I think they seem to have done a pretty good job of doing that already. New flash-even governments and corporations in the most civilized countries turn full blind eyes to these kind of things and not just slavery. This has been that way in the last presidential administration, the one before that, the one before that and so on since post WW2. The sad cold hard truth is that within the higher levels in the governments, nobody really

By the way, Israel has no law against sex slavery until very recently (-I'm talking in 2000s-and even then, it's weakly enforced). Partially because this was allowed as stated in their religion and because it brought so much money in the Israel's economy. So Israel held the highest concentration of sex slaves per capital in the entirely world. All from eastern Europe. Until recently, you could have walked into the police station and confessed that you are holding several sex slaves. They would just tell you to go home, because there was no such law against it.
Join the rest of the world? I think they seem to have done a pretty good job of doing that already. New flash-even governments and corporations in the most civilized countries turn full blind eyes to these kind of things and not just slavery. This has been that way in the last presidential administration, the one before that, the one before that and so on since post WW2. The sad cold hard truth is that within the higher levels in the governments, nobody really

By the way, Israel has no law against sex slavery until very recently (-I'm talking in 2000s-and even then, it's weakly enforced). Partially because this was allowed as stated in their religion and because it brought so much money in the Israel's economy. So Israel held the highest concentration of sex slaves per capital in the entirely world. All from eastern Europe. Until recently, you could have walked into the police station and confessed that you are holding several sex slaves. They would just tell you to go home, because there was no such law against it.

sitting in your computer chair and raging about it isn't going to change anything. Go protest about it, raise awareness about it. Write to your Congressman and ask others to do the same. Don't wait for someone to do it for you.