Dual Router Speed Difference


Apr 21, 2005
Hey all,

I have one 10/100/1000 router, and another 10/100 router. They are both 20 feet away from one another, and are operating on the same LAN. The 10/100 is connected to the gigabit, and the gigabit is connected to the internet modem.

Computer one (100 mb network adapter) is connected to the gigabit, and computer two (gigabit adapter) is connected to the 10/100 (20 feet away).

In a controlled environment (maxing out outside transfer speed), computer one tops out at about 3 MB/s, and computer two tops out at about 2 MB/s.

Does the distance really make that big of a difference?
No, it sounds like you have them hooked up incorrectly. If I understand this correctly, computer 2 is hooked up to the 10/100 router and the 10/100 router is hooked up to the 10/100/1000 router. Each router is NATing the traffic. Computer 2 is being double NATed because it's behind two routers. This would result in a significant performance impact.

Turn off DHCP, and the firewall on the 10/100 router. Connect one of the LAN ports from the 10/100/1000 router to one of the LAN ports on the 10/100 router. Therefore the 10/100 router will do nothing but switch. This should give results almost identical to what computer 1 is experiencing.
Thanks for the advice, but that is exactly how I have it setup.

I only have DHCP enabled on the gigabit, and they are connected via LAN port 3.

Router two won't even let me change port forwarding settings (it is assuming that it is merely a switch extension of the actual router doing DHCP).