Dual-Mon Question


Sep 13, 2004
Well a quick question, does dual monitor slow down a computer as a whole or does it just tax the vid card a lil' bit. My friend is trying to impose upon me that if i run single everything will speed up, but i did that and the only thing that did happen was that it was stupid with out two monitors.
Well, it shouldn't slow you down at all except that you can now have more things open and visible at once that could slow down your computer, but that's no reason to turn it off. I also found no difference in games and 3Dmark with dual on, but on nvidia you might make sure it's set to single monitor performance.
Strange, I just asked the same thing in the "Video Card" section and basically got same response!
The only real slowdown would be if you had a full screen game running in one monitor, and something graphically intense going on the second monitor at the same time. Other than that, the performance should be relatively the same.
firewiz said:
Strange, I just asked the same thing in the "Video Card" section and basically got same response!
Well i was asking about the computer if it slows down any, prob should have put this under general hardware.
I think you'll get more people who use dual monitors in this forum, who can answe rthe question more accurately, so I believe you posted it in the correct place.
Only in certain games. Doom 3 is a good example of a game that chokes with a second monitor enabled even though the second monitor is only showing the 2D desktop.
No drop in 2d performance.. Depending on the vid card, and driver, you can get a performance drop if both monitors are enabled, and you play a game. Even though the 2nd monitor is just showing the desktop..

I personally turn off my 2nd monitor for gaming, since I don't need to be watching pr0n while getting my frag on
rcolbert said:
Only in certain games. Doom 3 is a good example of a game that chokes with a second monitor enabled even though the second monitor is only showing the 2D desktop.
I should try this when i play D3, perfomance drops by a lil' bit more then it should. :confused:
rcolbert said:
Only in certain games. Doom 3 is a good example of a game that chokes with a second monitor enabled even though the second monitor is only showing the 2D desktop.

Did you go into the advance Nvidia display settings and set acceleration options to single-monitor performance instead of the default mulit-monitor performance. It doesn't effect dual monitor opperations to set it to single and this fixes most issues with some games. I bet if you did this you'd have no issue with the Doom3 using dual monitors on one screen.

It's in the options where you change AA and AF, you just need to click the show all options to find it in that window.