Dual Link DVI


Jul 12, 2005
Hey guys - My 30" 3007WFP is on the way - I'm going to be running on my nVidia 7800GTX, but I'm trying to find out which DVI connector on the card is the Dual Link compatible one. Is it the one that is closer to the MB?

Thanks in advance!

Drakkhen said:
Hey guys - My 30" 3007WFP is on the way - I'm going to be running on my nVidia 7800GTX, but I'm trying to find out which DVI connector on the card is the Dual Link compatible one. Is it the one that is closer to the MB?

Thanks in advance!


I hope you have a late model 7800GTX. From what I've gathered over the interweb some early 7800GTX cards do not have Dual-link dvi ports. Either that, or only certain drivers will unlock the functionality. However, I am no expert so i think you will have do some research.
You have two options, right? I would hate to see what happens with ya when you have a 3rd option :p
J-Mag said:
You have two options, right? I would hate to see what happens with ya when you have a 3rd option :p
Yes, but plugging the monitor into the wrong one teleports the entire rig to an alternate dimension. Better to be safe than sorry. :eek:
J-Mag said:
You have two options, right? I would hate to see what happens with ya when you have a 3rd option :p

I'm glad that the forum members here go out of their way to try and help fellow members; unlike other forums, where they go out of their way using sarcastic rhetoric to be condescending and not helpful whatsoever. ;)

I am asking because I would like to know - plain and simple. I don't want to know about the permutations, combinations, probabilities, or possibilites. I want to know which port I should try to plug in first. That is all.

When the card is in the motherboard, I think the dual link one is the one closer to the motherboard itself. But I'm not positive...and I guess I DO have a 50/50 shot after all :D

I seem to recall that being the dual link one though.
Drakkhen said:
I'm glad that the forum members here go out of their way to try and help fellow members; unlike other forums, where they go out of their way using sarcastic rhetoric to be condescending and not helpful whatsoever. ;)

I am asking because I would like to know - plain and simple. I don't want to know about the permutations, combinations, probabilities, or possibilites. I want to know which port I should try to plug in first. That is all.


That's easy, you plug it into my port :p

Just kidding, I think it's also the one closest to the MB when mounted (to the PCB that is), but if you look at the silk screening on the card see if one is labled port 1 and the other port 2 or not. Port 1 would be the one you'd want to use.

And again, if you want, send me the display to me and I'll find out for ya! :D