Dual LAN? What do you use it for?


Jul 15, 2005
Nearly every recent performance motherboard these days is coming with dual LAN chips. Some have dual Gb, others have Gb & 10/100. Seems excessive and an extra cost that isn't needed. I've seen use in servers for load balancing, but not on a desktop.

So... Does anyone out there use both? If so what for? It seems like they could use the space for something else more useful.
Having the PC act as a network firewall is the only thing I can come with. I only use one lan port; the other sits empty.
Yeah, I should have put the firewall reason in the orignal post. It's a good reason, but a cheap linksys router/firewall works just as well (if not better) and doesn't load your system with additional overhead.
the only time i used both were when me and my cousin wanted to play warhammer and did not have a router so I connected to his laptop using the second lan while kept my download going on on the first. Other than that I found dual lan to be pretty much useless.
ICS with another system when your going to college and they say if you put a switch/router in your room they'll suspend your internet privedges? :D
n64man120 said:
ICS with another system when your going to college and they say if you put a switch/router in your room they'll suspend your internet privedges? :D

Haha, I tried that but my school's network detected the bridge. So no dice.
Oh damn that would suck. Atleast with something like that I could play dumb and just get a warning, if I was caught
for a mobo company throwing on an extra etho port is cheap... just like now asus is making boards withi 2 ethos and an 802.11.... they are just trying to throw extra feature in to intice the buyer without having to upgrade their technology on the board... i would like to have it to run 2 dif networks or as a router... but a 10 dollar 3com card will give you the same thing....
w00t, thx for the idea, i have my windows box using ics to hook my new linux box up with internet now :)
Well you can buy a Gigabit Ethernet card from Fry's for $4.99.. not a good one, but still, the cost of just the chip on a MB for the MFG must be what? 10c? Well worth it at that cost.

The second port can be hooked to a second private network running parallel to the first network, allowing file transfers to a NAS or a second server without bogging down the primary connection.
Actually, most universities put bandwidth limits on their dorm networks. So if you happen to live in a dorm, find a liberal-studies roommate who does not own a computer and take his network port as well. 2-Ports, 2X the bandwidth.

n64man120 said:
ICS with another system when your going to college and they say if you put a switch/router in your room they'll suspend your internet privedges? :D
SNYP40A1 said:
Actually, most universities put bandwidth limits on their dorm networks. So if you happen to live in a dorm, find a liberal-studies roommate who does not own a computer and take his network port as well. 2-Ports, 2X the bandwidth.

hahaha... that's so true. I did that. The poor dude had no idea why I was so happy about his Literary-Theory major. :D

jazzwall said:
hahaha... that's so true. I did that. The poor dude had no idea why I was so happy about his Literary-Theory major. :D


ROFLMAO! And I thought my age group were the only ones who thought to do that!

Actualy I know of a second reason to have dual nic. One would be configured and set for your home network, the other for when you take your rig to LAN parties. Add in a firewall app like Norton or Zone Alarm and you can set a higher security zone on the Lanparty NIC to avoid any dirty PCs connected to the party while not having to worry about messing with your home network settings.