Dual booting windows 2000 and xp64?

Absolut Talent

Banned Ad Blocker
Apr 3, 2001
After thinking it over, I am not ready to move to vista just yet. Gonna stick with xp 64, but there are a few programs and games I cant run on xp and thats why I want to dual boot 2000.

I read a few articles, and I wanted to just make sure I am doing this right before going through with it.

Say I have 1 harddrive. I split it into 2 partitions. On the first partition (say its named C) i format and install 2000. When it finishes and reboots, i load up the XP64 disc and format the second partition (call it D) and install xp on there.

Then nexttime I restart i should have the boot manager up where I can pick which one I want to load?
is that right?
Yes! you're correct..at least from my experience in dual booting, that has always worked for me. But which games and programs can't you run in xp64? I can run all of my 32 bit apps in my xp64, but then again I only use xp64 for my work rig.