Dual 9800 GX2 Temperature Issues


Jan 10, 2003
Hello I have two 9800 GX2's that I use to fold and I've only had both of them for about a day but they get really hot. Look at the max temps they hit, with just one it would only hit 90C but with two they hit 105C:

This is the setup:

Any suggestions? Is this normal?
if you haven't already download rivatuner and manually set the fan speed to 70-80% for each card.
Fan speed was manually set to 100% with Rivatuner and this still happened.
You could have bad cards. I had an eVGA 9800GX2 that would constantly overheat despite good airflow. Make sure they aren't in stagnant air and check the temps. If they continue exhibiting the same behavior, I would do an Advanced RMA with eVGA. They will send you two cards before you have to ship yours. My card idled very high, with good airflow, then under load went up to about 81-85C before it crashed the driver. I believe this is probably a common problem with the card. Since both cards are exhibiting the same behavior, however, it could be a problem with airflow; although, you would have to have a pretty major problem to get that result, IMHO (I.E., computing in a sauna.) Additionally, if it was an airflow problem, your CPUs would be getting very hot, as well. I think you have two bad cards, unfortunately. Either that, or the GPU fans are turned off... which, per your statement, doesn't seem to be the case. No way in heck should those cards be getting that hot, like I said mine crapped out once it got into the lower 80's via eVGA Precision's temperature monitoring (which can be downloaded at eVGA.)

BTW, check the temps with other diagnostic software to make sure they are actually getting that hot, and you should check them manually, too. At those temps, they should probably be heating a decent portion of your house. That is an exageration, but seriously, at those temps they will be emitting a ton of heat, and the card enclosures will be pretty dang hot. If you need to boil water you should be GTG, if you're not too far below sea level.... :rolleyes:
I rerouted some of the fans and the temps went down. Card 2 is now under load at 85C which is decent but card 1 is under load at 94C. I think that card one is so hot because it's right next to the heatpipe of the dual 680i northbridge and the air it uses to cool is the hot air coming off the 680i. I'll add another fan and see if it's the problem.

The blue thing in the picture is cooling the heat pipe on the northbridge currently the northbridge with the fan is at 52C under load. I'm think that card 1 is using that already hot air cool while card 2 is getting fresh air from the 120mm front fan. I'm going to get another pci slo t cooler and some high CFM 120mm scythe fans to see if that solves it. The max temp these cards will hit without any issue is 105C.

Thanks for all of your input!
Were's your SLI bridge? I also have a Quad SLI 9800 gx2 cards. I used NiBitor to set the fan speed to 75% in the Bios. I have 6 fans (3 in, 3 out) and my temps are 57c idle and 80c load.

I'm not surprised at those temps. I have a GX2 myself, and was seeing 80-90 degree temps with the air cooler no matter the fan speed. they're just hot cards. If you have some money, I'd recommend getting a copper water block, like the EK-FC9800 GX2 - that's the one i have. Put that and the northbridge in its own loop, and the card stays at around 50-55C under load (about 40-45 idle)...