Dual 8800 GTX's in SLI


Oct 17, 2004
A friend of mine just scrapped a huge gaming build he had planned on, and decided to sell all of his components, which included two of these - [LINK]

They're sold out or discontinued on Newegg or something, because you can't Newegg search for that link, I actually had to google it. He sold me both for $175.00 each. I basically got one for free, if you look at it from a market price standpoint.

The question I'm looking to ask is....what sort of real world benchmarks and performance will I be looking at with both of these in an SLI setup? I've never personally owned any top-of-the-line GPU's, and certainly not an SLI setup but have been around gaming rigs for quite some time and know their capabilities. Will this stand up to, and/or outperform the premiere top of the line cards nowadays? (I plan on OC'ing the entire system, look farther down for some general specs).

Just looking for an explanation of what sort of power I'm really gunna be putting into my new rig. He assured me they're pretty high up there in the market, and that two of them would be very formidable.

It'll be running with a Q6600, Liquid Cooling System, 8 GB's of RAM, 10k Raptor Drives in raid array, all that junk. I guess my only real question is it's comparison against a single "Top of the Line" card.

Thanks to any and all help in advance.
if your running high res (24"+ screen) your looking at something that will be about as powerful as a GTX 280.

It's a hell of a deal you got on those.
You're basically able to run whatever you want at high res. Maybe not crysis full everything at 2500x1600, but pretty darn close.
The 8800 GTX even though old they can defetnly keep up with some of the newer cards.
Not as effective but you up there with the big bois.
Your benchmarks vary depending on ur resolution.

The difference is ur card suck up a whole lot more power than the newer cards.
b.c my 8800 GTS 640 (old chip) made me switch PSU, my 8800 GT 512 (new chip) are equal GTS just a bit faster and drains less power.
Thanks guys, I agree. It's one HELL of a deal. Real good friend of mine knew I was building a rig, and hooked me up.

Three quick questions for the people that posted, if you may.

1. Practically speaking and looking at my specs? Will a 750 Watt Corsair PSU do the job? Or will I have to up it to 900? (eek expensive)

2. I'll be running on this monitor - [LINK] (SAMSUNG 2253BW 22" 2ms(GTG) DVI Widescreen LCD)

At this resolution specifically, will I be good to go on just about anything? To be very honest, I won't be pushing any graphic intensive games as of now, but will in the near future. My only concern is being able to Fraps the MMO I play at good FPS (Lineage II).

3. With this SLI setup....what does it specifically entail, and how does it work. Will my GPU's be running at full capacity? (Meaning twice as powerful as a 8800 GTX alone) A little less? A little more? Sort of looking for a walkthrough on what SLI is and how it works (Dummy Guide lol)
That Corsair should be fine.
At 1680x1050 max for that monitor, you'll be able to max eyecandy and still be overkill for all but newer titles.
looks like a good deal, my brother has almost the exact same setup and runs all his games w/ out any issues @ 1920 x 1200 w/ eye candy
With this SLI setup....what does it specifically entail, and how does it work. Will my GPU's be running at full capacity? (Meaning twice as powerful as a 8800 GTX alone) A little less? A little more? Sort of looking for a walkthrough on what SLI is and how it works (Dummy Guide lol)
1) 750 PSU will be more than fine.
2) You'll be fine. You could even go up to a samsung 245BW (or whatever that model has mophed into now, the 24") without taking much of a hit on preformance.
3) SLI isn't hard to setup. there is a connector you add to the cards (comes with your SLI compatable mobo). There is a box you click on the Nvidia control pannel, and thats about it. As of right now, SLI does not support multimonitors. In the future, (maybe as soon as end of Q3/start of Q4) SLI may support it. You'll get anywhere between 5% to 95% scaling from the second card. Some games scale VERY well, some scale horribly. Just comes down to the game. Most of the newer games are SLI friendly, the older a game is the less chance it will be, however you don't need as much power for those games so it's not a problem.
Thanks guys, I agree. It's one HELL of a deal. Real good friend of mine knew I was building a rig, and hooked me up.

Three quick questions for the people that posted, if you may.

1. Practically speaking and looking at my specs? Will a 750 Watt Corsair PSU do the job? Or will I have to up it to 900? (eek expensive)

2. I'll be running on this monitor - [LINK] (SAMSUNG 2253BW 22" 2ms(GTG) DVI Widescreen LCD)

At this resolution specifically, will I be good to go on just about anything? To be very honest, I won't be pushing any graphic intensive games as of now, but will in the near future. My only concern is being able to Fraps the MMO I play at good FPS (Lineage II).

3. With this SLI setup....what does it specifically entail, and how does it work. Will my GPU's be running at full capacity? (Meaning twice as powerful as a 8800 GTX alone) A little less? A little more? Sort of looking for a walkthrough on what SLI is and how it works (Dummy Guide lol)

1. You dont really need that much power a very well quality build 500 watts power supply can handle them. By well build i mean PSU that can take the full load advertised. But more is better but also more power consumptions and exp in price.

2. At that resolution you will be just fine, like veng(Nvidia fan J/K lol) says up there it varies from game to game, some like the use of SLI some not but you shouldn't have any trouble.

3. Fraps: Even though that thing is GPU hungry, you be just fine. I can Fraps on Full resolution on max everything in L2 of a 22" wide. on a 8800 GT and 3870 so ur GTX definetly can handle that.

4. SLI and CrossFire will never Run double the speed. And it also depends on ur mother board's 2nd PCI-E if its 16x or 8x on a Dual 16x motherboard meaning both ur PCI-E are 16x then you can expect almost double the increase, 50%-75% if the 2nd card, depending on ur 8x-16x slot. But they are getting better at this.

Keep in mind you can now run PhysX of one card now, which should have some amazing results on ur hardware =)
I would advise a HX 620 power supply. I'm not sure the HX 520 can handle it (maybe it can, but for such a powerful system, I think it's a risk).