Dual 6800GT on one card? WTF?

Why the hell would that be stupid?!?!?!? Think about it, DUAL 68GT SLI!!!
why is it stupid? if anything it would jsut get rid of latency cause by current SLI.

although that thing is almost as long as a freaking v5 6000
only stupid thing is that it won't fit to many cases and the price propably...
Brent_Justice said:
No, I don't find that stupid.

but it's HUGE...you can't put it in anything! and it needs an SLI board to run in, so why not just get two 6800GTs instead of this monstrosity?

I just don't see the benefit of cramming it all on one card...it's cool to look at...but who would actually want this in their machine?
If you ask me (and I know no one did :p ) it's a dumb idea, you can't run "quad" 6800gt's like that...

anyone remember the gigabyte dual 6600GT? it needed an sli board yet you couldnt sli it with another card... look at that asus, there's no place for the bridge chip...

so whats the point really? besides looking dumb
Umm, come on dude, chill out, I believe everyone saw the dual 6600GT card and the 68 a few months ago, and yes, it was spelled out that there was no quad SLI, but who cares, i want it anyway! :D
I just honestly don't see the point of the thing. It has to be more difficult to manufacture, and I can't see any reason to use it vs 2 6800GTs...it's not like they're going to be able to sell this for less than the price of 2 6800GTs...I just don't see where this is going to fit into the market other than the "freaky cool" sector...

Can anyone think of a reason why this makes technological or marketing sense?

And yeah we saw it a while ago, but now they're actually going to produce the things...I thought they were just playing around before...
It makes sense because it is inevitable that video cards will one day be dual core, just as cpus are moving that way. Someone has to make the first move. I think its great, and I really don't understand why people get so upset about innovation. You all act like you have some sort of stake in these companies, like if this product doesn't do well you're losing money or something.

Be happy that companies are innovating and making steps toward future technologies that will benefit everyone.
Dr. X said:
It makes sense because it is inevitable that video cards will one day be dual core, just as cpus are moving that way. Someone has to make the first move. I think its great, and I really don't understand why people get so upset about innovation. You all act like you have some sort of stake in these companies, like if this product doesn't do well you're losing money or something.

Be happy that companies are innovating and making steps toward future technologies that will benefit everyone.

to Be fair, 3DFX Made the first move ;)

Looks monsterous, How big is that? about 4 inches or so wide? it wouldnt even fit in my case :eek:
Dr. X said:
It makes sense because it is inevitable that video cards will one day be dual core, just as cpus are moving that way. Someone has to make the first move. I think its great, and I really don't understand why people get so upset about innovation. You all act like you have some sort of stake in these companies, like if this product doesn't do well you're losing money or something.

Be happy that companies are innovating and making steps toward future technologies that will benefit everyone.


First off this is not dual core, this is dual chip. Videocards have multiple pipelines, vertex units, shader units etc...in that respect they've been dual core since about 1998.

Second: I'm just posing a very simple question. How does this card make any sense whatsoever? I agree that it's cool. I'm not saying I don't like the idea...I just see absolutely no point so I'm asking you guys to enlighten me as to why this is better than a regular SLi setup?
it's hard to say whether it'll be worth it or not. If you have to buy a special motherboard, then it's stupid. If it works in a single PCI-E slot without any special requirement other than tons of power, I see great advantage for people have purchased a non-SLi mobo. They could have the performance of SLI without needing a motherboard designed for it. I'm 50/50 about it, but since I'm not looking for a PCI-E setup, it's of no concern to me, purchasing-wise. I think whether it's worth it or not will be clear when we see a price and what special requirements are needed.
Arnt the 6800s already really hot?

If so maybe the double 6800 could "double" as a stove :p

Best marketing ploy ever. "Ever starving in the middle of a game? Dont want to stop to put that frozen pizza in the oven? Well now with the dual 6800GT you can pop that pizza into your case and 20 minutes later enjoy!"
I actually think it's kind of a cool idea... the power requierements should be a little less than those of a regular 6800GT SLI setup... and most of the power draw should come from the 12v leads... /but it is LARGE/... wow... you'll have to have one of those cases where the hard drives are underneath the mobo (v1000?) or turned to the side. lol