Drowning in spam


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2008
I signed up at job.com and now my inbox is being flooded with spam. No matter how many times I mark the messages as spam they keep coming and coming, somehow managing to get past Outlook's spam filter. I have set it to high. Sometimes I delete 5 or 10 of them to have 5 more flood my inbox in the minute or so it took me to delete them. I'm at the point where I think I just might create a new email address because of this.

I have a gmx account, and they don't seem very good with spam. I mean, I couldn't find any sort of mention of a spam filter or settings only a junk email folder. Which was empty.

Now, I'm wondering if there is any decent block senders lists floating around or some sort of spam addon for Outlook that might be a little more thorough than Outlooks method? Or if anyone else has any suggestions.

(lol... In the time it took me to write this message I got a few more, it's unbearable.)
Some email providers have blacklist options, such as Yahoo. You do need to do some work on your own to cut down on it by managing that list. If your email account is tied to a domain you own, then you'll need to contact your email manager/provider to see what mechanisms are in place to block spam.

Sadly, you'll never block it all, you should only strive to get close. The reason is that the only thing worse than whitelisted spam is blacklisted legitimate messages.
agreed i only get emails i signed up for 98% of the time with Gmail. A few slip through, and if i dont feel like unsubscribing to something i can mark it junk and i never have to see it as it goes right to spam folder. Maybe if you block the spam with a filter on the GMX website it wont let it trickle down to Outlook? (pop3/imap?)
I use Hotmail and have it set to send all to junk folder unless I mark it as safe, then have all junk-mail blocked or report as phishing scams. I have greatly cut my spam to roughly 20 or less messages.
Rule #1:
You always need at least two email addresses. One for garbage requests, one for good personal use. Use the garbage one for sites you don't care about.
My garbage email is appropriately named iusethisforcrap@...

Rule #2:
Avoid signing up to aggregator job sites like job.com or dice.com or simplyhired. Always get as close to the original job posting as you can before giving out any sort of personal info. It's hard with these damn recruiters everywhere but you really got to try hard.

I know these don't help you with your current dilemma, but keep them in mind during future web travels.
Make a hotmail account

Go to options and set it to send anything not on your whitelist to your spam folder.

I use Yahoo IM so i forward all my hotmail email (no spam :D ) to my yahoo account.
Two hints from me:
1) When you create an email address, choose a name that is not common and that is not in a dicitionary. If you choose melody at gmail.com you will get tons of spam just because of the name.
2) Use more than one email addresses. What I do is to redirect many addresses to a main one and use them for different purposes. This way you can always stop using some of them. And also because of the redirection (and especially if you use 2 different services, for example gmail and yahoo) you can actually mark the spam as spam on two providers and rely that at least one of them will stop it.