Drone Caught Peeping Into Woman's Window

Gotta love how they again refer to a model helicopter as a "drone". :rolleyes:

It's kinda funny, the whole RC flying community was invisible until the whole government drone debate started. Now everything is a drone and those rc hobbyists are taking alot of heat.
It's kinda funny, the whole RC flying community was invisible until the whole government drone debate started. Now everything is a drone and those rc hobbyists are taking alot of heat.

It's not so much the machines themselves, is the recording equipment and we are clearly as a society becoming less comfortable with everything being recorded and not we have things flying things controlled by who knows recording stuff. Like many large advances in science and technology, there's always some backlash once the convenience sets in and we start to see more pernicious applications of the tech.
So King5 in Seatle just had the follow up story on the evening edition. From the last part I caught a developer company was taking pictures of the view FROM the windows at various heights,100ft, 300ft etc, (it is pretty desirable condo area in downtownnot) NOT looking in.

I'll post the link as soon as www.king5.com has it.
I also think it's funny that the mob mentality around here automatically assumes the woman is a liar. But don't assume the guys operating the flying camera at an apartment complex are up to no good.

Largely intelligent logical community indeed... :rolleyes:

The earlier story was a pretty good example of what the public perceives it can do and what's actually happening. Woman claims drone was spying on her, claims she was attacked, teenager automatically guilty on both accounts if he hadn't had the sense to save the recordings.

This is a tech site, so people are expected to know exactly what these gadgets are capable of, or atleast, how a GoPro camera (which is the usual payload) works.

Reality is that you can stand in the street twenty feet away with the gopro, point it at a house, and end up with the houses on either side completely in your shot as well. You maybe able to see 120 degrees without moving your head, but your eyes only focus on an area 45 degrees in front of you. Now imagine 120 degrees compressed into 45. That's a crappy way to spy on someone.

This is about as bad as the CSI infinite zoom meme.
lol droners are the new skateboarders. Their messin up our airs.
A helicopter /facepalm

They've been around for decades FYI.

I know. I find it interesting though that some seem to be more concerned about what the thing that decapitated this person is called rather than the fact that he was decapitated by it.
So King5 in Seatle just had the follow up story on the evening edition. From the last part I caught a developer company was taking pictures of the view FROM the windows at various heights,100ft, 300ft etc, (it is pretty desirable condo area in downtownnot) NOT looking in.

I'll post the link as soon as www.king5.com has it.

Can't find the actual article that you're referring to, however, from what you're saying it would seem that this wasn't an overreaction. You have this thing flying outside a high-rise condo at various heights taking pictures, so a sustained amount of time in a slowly ascending path near a big building. Is that totally normal occurrence and nothing at all to be concerned about if you don't know that's going on?
I know. I find it interesting though that some seem to be more concerned about what the thing that decapitated this person is called rather than the fact that he was decapitated by it.

It's a risk you become intimately familiar with the moment the first time you power up your helicopter. The closest i got was after a flight when i was about to remove the canopy to unplug the battery. I put down the radio beside me but knocked it over as i kneeled and it somehow hit the throttle hold switch. I ended up with both hands holding on to a helicopter that's going full power less than a foot from my face. I don't know how i managed to do it, but i was able to grip the thing with one hand while unplugging the battery with the other.

Ask any rc helicopter pilot and they'll very likely tell you similar stories. Close shaves while doing circuits, exploding battery packs (more like flame thrower really), etc. they're normal, and why we're paranoid about safety. A fatality is uncommon, but accidents and injuries are not unusual, and they can get pretty bad.

Thankfully, i've been lucky so far, unlike this guy.

Also, it takes so much concentration to fly a helicopter, you can have a near headon collision, and you wouldn't flinch. Five solid minutes of 100% concentration, that's kind of a rush in itself. A close call is when that concentration drops to 99%.

Unfortunately, the safety margin is where the older helicopter generation and the newer multirotor "pilots" differ.
The presenter mentioned she worked at amazon on his closing remarks.


It was a block away according to her and from her own picture of it, it wasn't even facing her.

Thanks. She lives on the 26th of a building. I would love to know how people here would react seeing something unknown flying at that height even if were a block away, and a block in big city center isn't usually far. Maybe it shouldn't have been a big deal, but it is something outside the realm of the vast majority of people for the simple fact that most don't have a bedroom 26 stories high.

My guess is that both parties involved in this didn't expect the national attention.
In west Seattle born and raised
In my apartment was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out in the buff, relaxin' all certain
That 10 stories up I needed no curtain

When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started dronin' round in my neighborhood
I saw one little flight and I got scared
Said, "I'm calling the cops before my nudies get aired!"

you sir, win this thread.