Droid X $9.99 Verizon 2yr agreement

It appears to be $20 if you are an existing customer and eligible for new every 2. Quite tempting.
Whoaaaaa wait wait wait... I just paid $200 for one less than 2 weeks ago with 2 yr contract =/ I believe the sales guy said that I had price change protection for a month or something...

/me gets on the phone
The next gen of phones is coming out soon. Almost free Droid X or ~200+ for a new 4g phone. Decisions decisions.
Eh. The iPhone has a nice display, but more and more devices have similar specs. The difference is that Apple does its best to control the user's experience.
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Awesome phone for sure, but i think im going to wait it out a couple months, a slew of high end phones are comin, most will be 4g..not that means a damn atm but part of me just doesn't wanna bite on an iphone 4 or droidx just yet.

And tbh im not sure i want to be a Verizon customer, seems like they are not only expensive but arrogant, Sprint may be my next move..dunno.
Yeah why aren't you guys waiting? I have had one since the day it came out and I love it... but, I would definitely take advantage of the new awesome phones coming out this year. Droid X2 is coming out this year...
Well the choice is new phone for $200 or 6mo old phone for free....
Unless you're using something like a gen 1 iPhone or something from at least 2 years ago, I'd probably wait because if you didn't feel the strong need to upgrade by now, it's probably not worth it to sign into a new contract for a phone that is going to be looking VERY dated as we move away from single-core phones.

2011 is the start of dual-core phones hitting the market en masse. In 2012 we'll see quad-cores. My guess is that, much like the transition to multi-core CPUs last decade, simply upgrading to more than a single CPU will be hugely beneficial while more than 2 cores will be less important. As people start to upgrade their phones less frequently vs the typical (at least in the USA) "every other year" mentality, this will perhaps be even more pronounced.

The early dual-core phones are already hitting shelves and, as expected, they're looking pretty sweet including the new Motorola Atrix 4G.
Minus the PenTile LCD and the arguably overconfigured Motoblur UI, I'd say the Atrix 4G is probably the best combination of build quality, feature set, battery life and performance I've seen in an Android smartphone thus far. I will reserve final judgement until I've spent more time with the device but so far that's what it feels like to me.

That being said, I am currently at MWC and I'm expecting a bunch of new Android smartphones to be announced based on TI's OMAP 4, NVIDIA's Tegra 2 and Qualcomm's 8660. While the Atrix 4G may be the best combination I've seen thus far, the year isn't even half over yet.

On the flip side, since Apple is the only company who really does a kickass job of leveraging both the hardware and software side of things, I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple make the best use of multi-core phones while Android/Windows/etc take somewhat longer to optimize their software. Hopefully that's not the case but no matter how it plays out, 2011-2012 is gonna be very interesting. Here's another thought-provoker from Anand's article:
Currently in the smartphone space the majority of the power rests within the carrier (e.g. AT&T) and device manufacturer (e.g. Motorola). Although they contribute handsomely to the final product, the component vendors have limited control in this market.

ou'll note that this is in stark contrast to how things work in the PC industry. Here the OS and component vendors have all of the power and the PC manufacturers themselves are glorified assembly houses that fight to differentiate. This is an oversimplification, especially when you take companies like Apple and HP into consideration, but I use it to point out the contrast.

I've often wondered if the smartphone industry may eventually evolve to look more like the PC industry. It's not abundantly clear to me that the current concentration of power in the carrier and device vendor is healthy for the future of the smartphone. It's not clear that the opposite would be true either.

The only thing I can point to is the fact that this carrier/OEM power concentration helped get us to the mess that we had before the smartphone revolution took place. I'm not sure whether, if left unchecked, the same thing wouldn't happen again this time around. I don't really have an answer here, just some public musing. Feel free to join in :)
Id wait if i were you. The smartphone world right now is simply evolving at a ludicrous speed, much faster than PC's did (and PC's weren't slow). The droid X is approaching a year old already.
Good phone, but the main post is Not a good deal....


Amazon has it for FREE basically, plus it comes with Free 2-day shipping.

Pretty sure that is only for new customers.

Nope, it clearly says EXISTING or NEW if you pick one of the buttons, there's only 2 to choose from. NEW OR EXISTING.

And to the people claiming wait, yeah you can wait 2-3 months (if you can wait that long) and then you are going to have to pay over $200.. I know because I sell phones and the good android phones are almost never free unless there is a HUGE promotion for it (very rare and its usually out of date by that time)

This phone will do almost everything all the new phones this year will do.... except FFC (front facing camera) which is nowhere near working good for ANY of the carriers. The iphone4 new one is a waste of space trash as you need wifi to use it. Why would they make wifi when I can just go use my laptop or PC webcam to chat like that? Only a fool would buy for that.

At least the new android front facing cameras can actually use the cell phone towers without it fading out like the new crapple iphone 4.

So yeah, this phone will multitask, multiple browser windows, etc just like ALL THE NEW PHONES, nothing new really is coming out but faster phones and front facing cams... just like most of the the new phones being reviewed. If I were to wait, I would definitely get the new dual-core 1Ghz phones as my old 2009 android phone does all the crap these new phones do besides HEAVY graphic gaming. And even still, the dual core videos I just saw of the newest phones coming out still have SHITTY graphics in their games, Sega Dreamcast type graphics. It's getting there, but it still looks like shit.

Then you have the Sony gaming phone coming out, which is a touchscreen phone with slideout game pad like a PS controller... very cool but I think it will bomb personally.

Then qualcomm just made a quad-core CPU.

This year is going to be crazy with tech, I've been saying it since Jan... crazy cool stuff coming out, but its all mostly going to be wayyyy overpriced for the rich nerds who buy stuff like this up without thinking twice about their disposable income.
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Id wait if i were you. The smartphone world right now is simply evolving at a ludicrous speed, much faster than PC's did (and PC's weren't slow). The droid X is approaching a year old already.

Considering I am upgrading from a motorola w385, this is an awesome deal. The Droid X can do anything I will ever want it to do within 2 years, for only $9.99.
Believe me bigtaco, you'll definitely enjoy the upgrade. I went from very similar V551 to an HTC android phone a few years back and I have diteched my laptop pretty much for its uses as I do most of that stuff on my phone now easily.

The new phones will be EASILY over $99 with contract new, so this is a hot deal for a phone that will do more than 75% of what all the new phones will be able to do. Most of the new stuff is fad, gimmicky stuff anyways. I'd save that money and get the DROID if I were you, then get one of the new cheap tablets coming out (there's OVER 10 COMPANIES MAKING TABLETS NOW, insane... just go to engadget today and almost every single front page article is displaying a new tablet from one of the 5+ companies. :O)

Technology rocks man, its so interesting this year.... who knows what will come out next. When I was reading on the shitter earlier this week, I was checking out "augmented reality" apps in PCWorld magazine.... now THAT is going to be groundbreaking shit when it goes "mainstream" on everyones phones.
...The smartphone world right now is simply evolving at a ludicrous speed...

soooo true. Walk into ANY cellular store and you'll see.

90% of the new phones have android OS, even if they are the cheap-ass entry level phones. You'll find maybe 1 or 2 basic, talk-only phones... and maybe 1 or 2 texting phones in between.

The market trend is for "smart phones", which is fine... EXCEPT that it forces everyone into a "premium" data plan.
Cell providers aren't stupid. They're using the market trend to get us all into the higher priced plans. And then they'll eliminate all the cheaper talk/text-only plans.

Wow, I'm getting old. I still remember when cell phones were for making voice calls. :p
Nice try kid. See... old is when you can remember most people having rotary phones and pushbutton phones were high-tech. *raises hand* ;)
BTW, Droid-X is OOS @ VerizonWireless, but is still listed at $149.99 w/ 2yr.

So, seems like good deal, but definitely a phone that is being phased out.
Nice try kid. See... old is when you can remember most people having rotary phones and pushbutton phones were high-tech. *raises hand* ;)

Kid, hehehe. Yes, I remember replacing our rotary phone with our first touch-tone.
Remember the first "car phones" with the base-unit that mounted under the seat or in the trunk, and a fixed antenna on the roof or glass.
Remember the first "mobile" phone, that had the big attache style carry case, and the handset came out on a cord.
So, like I said... remember when phones were actually for TALKING to someone.

(sorry for the off-topic. we now return to our regularly scheduled program)
Is it mandatory to get a data plan with this? I suppose it'd kinda defeat the purpose to not buy a data plan, but +$30 per month for 2 years is an extra $720 in service costs. :(
Keep in mind there's a droid x hardware refresh coming. Looks like a 1.2ghz processor and more ram in the same phone chassis. That's why the "old version" is going on sale
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Thanks! Been sporting an Tmobile Sidekick LX for 3 years...

Just finished ordering one. Gonna take some time getting used to on screen keyboard.

I got mine yesterday. It is awesome man. I didn't think I would like the on screen keyboard but it is really nice. You can text a lot faster with swipe too.
I am glad I took the upgrade. No regrets at all.
Be weary, I bit, but when you call they try to make you pay $200 for it with a ton of accessories. This can be turned off if you tell them, but then they signed me up for a hot spot without my permission. They didn't even mention it. So you may have to call Verizon and have it turned off.. or request for them not to try to screw you.
Be weary, I bit, but when you call they try to make you pay $200 for it with a ton of accessories. This can be turned off if you tell them, but then they signed me up for a hot spot without my permission. They didn't even mention it. So you may have to call Verizon and have it turned off.. or request for them not to try to screw you.

You must of used Amazon? I didn't have any problems with my TD link. Let me customize everything. I took off texting and using google voice now. Saving me about 20 dollars per month.
I called on the phone at the number given on the website, because I had a question or two. So the web may be different. Same company, however. I had a question or two about the phone, mainly it comes with a 2gb instead of a 16.. wanted to verify that, and a few other things like that..

Mine will be here tuesday though, so no harm done.. I called verizon and they said they'll cancel it no charges.
latest update.. they signed me up for numerous services I did not want, and are not allowing me to cancel them unless I pay a $300 cancellation fee PER PHONE.

I got signed up for visual voice mail, a mobile hotspot, and all the extra services that I had no intention of getting.

After further research this place has a terrible record, and you may get lucky, but I'd avoid like the plague.
Sorry to hear that man, those charges completely kill this deal. the mobile hotspot and visual voice mail are like another 25 a month right there.
Eh. The iPhone has a nice display, but more and more devices have similar specs. The difference is that Apple does its best to control the user's experience.

He wasn't referring to the iphone 4 he was referring to 4g phones. The 4g iphone is not 4g.
JFYI, I called and cussed Verizon out and they eventually caved on pulling off those features. I won't be counting on it until my bill comes and I know for sure.

Now my Droid X has the dreaded reboot issue. Any phone call over 10-15 minutes and I'm guaranteed a reboot, sometimes two.

Haha. My luck this year has been outstanding!
Nope, it clearly says EXISTING or NEW if you pick one of the buttons, there's only 2 to choose from. NEW OR EXISTING.

And to the people claiming wait, yeah you can wait 2-3 months (if you can wait that long) and then you are going to have to pay over $200.. I know because I sell phones and the good android phones are almost never free unless there is a HUGE promotion for it (very rare and its usually out of date by that time)

This phone will do almost everything all the new phones this year will do.... except FFC (front facing camera) which is nowhere near working good for ANY of the carriers. The iphone4 new one is a waste of space trash as you need wifi to use it. Why would they make wifi when I can just go use my laptop or PC webcam to chat like that? Only a fool would buy for that.

At least the new android front facing cameras can actually use the cell phone towers without it fading out like the new crapple iphone 4.

So yeah, this phone will multitask, multiple browser windows, etc just like ALL THE NEW PHONES, nothing new really is coming out but faster phones and front facing cams... just like most of the the new phones being reviewed. If I were to wait, I would definitely get the new dual-core 1Ghz phones as my old 2009 android phone does all the crap these new phones do besides HEAVY graphic gaming. And even still, the dual core videos I just saw of the newest phones coming out still have SHITTY graphics in their games, Sega Dreamcast type graphics. It's getting there, but it still looks like shit.

Then you have the Sony gaming phone coming out, which is a touchscreen phone with slideout game pad like a PS controller... very cool but I think it will bomb personally.

Then qualcomm just made a quad-core CPU.

This year is going to be crazy with tech, I've been saying it since Jan... crazy cool stuff coming out, but its all mostly going to be wayyyy overpriced for the rich nerds who buy stuff like this up without thinking twice about their disposable income.

Facetime can work over 3g as well. All you have to do is jailbreak.