Driver Interaction

Mar 17, 2004
I have been getting this blue screen while running Windows XP home: irql_not_less_or_equal (did google search on the problem, and decided that it could be a driver conflict). My system is running rather hot, ~55C at idol, so I ordered a Thermaltake Volcano 9 to fix that. There is a conflict of drivers, and to fix the problem I moved my sound card to another PCI slot and removed the modem that I never use. Then my master harddrive could not be used due to the blue screen appearing after the computer was turned on. So I switched to my slave drive and set it as master. Next I ran Driver Guide Toolkit and looked at the driver conflict/sharing:

I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 PCI bus
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 Direct memory access controller

I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

IRQ 21 Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
IRQ 21 NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter

Memory Address 0xE8000000-0xEAFFFFFF NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
Memory Address 0xE8000000-0xEAFFFFFF NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

IRQ 22 Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
IRQ 22 NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio Codec Interface

Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xDFFFFFFF NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xDFFFFFFF NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

IRQ 19 Creative SB Live! series
IRQ 19 NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF PCI bus
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB NVIDIA nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT

I/O Port 0x0000C000-0x0000CFFF PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge
I/O Port 0x0000C000-0x0000CFFF Creative SB Live! series

I'm thinking that it is the IRQ 19 that is causing the problem. Any ideas on how to fix the problem (I think that IRQ's can be changed in the BIOS, right)?

Thanks for the help.
What driver gives that error? It should give the driver file in the blue screen of the crash. That would help get you more in the right direction instead of guessing what is the issue.
Your best posting the whole stop code message ect that way we have a lot more to work on.
Are your temps & voltages correct. You've said it running a little hot but is everything else ok.
Are you Memtest86 error free.
Are you Prime95 stable.
Can you run a couple of loops of 3dMark.
Its probably is a software error but its always best to eliminate if its a hardware error first.

Luck.......... :D
I started the drive with the error, but it gives me the blue screen after being on for ~1min. The error message now just flashes on and then it restarts (so I can't copy down the specific location). I do however get a Windows has recovered from a serius error: the hardware code is something like 780_1.
there should be an option under my computer, properties, advanced, startup and recovery, disable automatically reboot and it should give you a chance to see the exact file.
Changed the settings, here is the error:


stop: 0x00000000A (0x08db4d83, 0x000000002, 0x000000000, 0x804dfae7)
I look into the Microsoft link, but the error does not give a specific driver name, only the numbers. So then I did a repair install of Windows, and uninstalled all Nvidia drivers. I don't think this fixed the problem, because it has frozen (turns the screen blank and beeps about every 4 sec, and the reset button does not work-I have to turn it off and back on). I rulled out the processor getting too hot, because my other hard drive it ran overnight.