Dream Case... throw your opinion in here.

I can't believe I completely forgot about the Mountain Mods cases... those are indeed awesome cases. Some of the coolest builds I've ever laid eyes upon were in a UFO case.
And hey brnunn, I like they way you think... 10K though :eek: I guess if you're going that far, you could just machine it from titanium :cool:
Dream Case...I already have mine.:D

That would be the one I designed and had built by Navig of the Abit USA forums. He has had 2 rigs make the cover of CPU magazine (as recent as August 2007 issue: http://www.computerpoweruser.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles%2Farchive%2Fc0708%2F26c08%2F26c08.asp)

I go by SpacemanSpiff in the Abit-USA forums, but since that handle was taken here at [H] I chose CaptNumbNutz instead.
and here is the worklog. The worklog is incomplete, since I haven't had time to work on it this summer. But Navig was gracious enough to install his own hardware and lighting to show it completed (page 10):

I laid out the design like that for several reasons.
1. Ultimate Air cooling, CPU and Graphics cards have separate fresh air intakes. I like the ease of air cooling, and am still wary of watercooling. Hot air from HD's doesn't immediately get fed to graphics card and CPU.
2. Horizontal mounting of motherboard allows me to put large heatsinks on the motherboard and graphics cards without stressing them too much. Horizontal mobo mounting also means that no hot air from graphics card heats up the CPU.
3. Quick and easy access just like a test bench. I pull 2 pins and the entire case comes off.

I just wish some cases were manufactured with these design principals, so others could enjoy how simple this case is to use. It would have also have saved me a nice chunk of change by not having to build my own. Oh well. Case Manufacturers are getting closer though. BTW. This case cost me about $350 with parts and labor (minus essentials like CCFL's etc.), about as much as the really high end cases (mountain mods, zalman, etc.). But don't expect Navig to make anymore.;)
I like my chenbro case. :) I can fit any Mb size in it, 2 full power supplys, 9 HD's, 4 full height, and an extra 4 for internal full height/PS's.
I even switched alot of the fans to 120mm.