Dragon Age Origins & Intel X-25M G2


May 8, 2009
So this post is directed towards a select few. Those who have had a chance to play Origins for a while and those who are running it off of a Intel X-25M G2 SSD.

Basically, I have noticed that loading screens are somewhat long but that is not the real issue. The issue is in game conversations and when they end, it lags for about 1-2 seconds and then you are returned to the third person view of your character. This doesnt really bug me, what bugs me is the BSoD I recieved while transitioning from a city to a room inside the city. I can only assume that this was related to the issues with the SSD and Dragon Age Origins because of the previous things mentioned as well as the fact that this is the first BSoD I have ever recieved on this ~6 month old computer running no Windows 7.

I was just wondering if anyone else running Origins on a Intel X-25M G2 SSD has noticed any slow downs described above?

No problem here. My X25-M G2 and DAO are playing really nice together. :)

No lag, no slowdowns... And the game loads in 4-5 seconds for me. And a F9 loads in 1-2 seconds max. Area transitions are sometimes ''longer'', taking around 6-7 seconds. :)

I'm already more then 20 hours deep in the game, and never got a single BSOD, freeze or any other problems. Rock-solid game for me.

Win 7 64 bit.
Because of this game's size I installed it to my regular wd caviar blue rather than my ssd and I was still impressed by the short load times. If it really bothers you I would try just moving it to a regular drive, as it might not be worth the trouble of diagnosing and fixing.
how big is this installed?

I'm wondering on which array would be better to install this on, my g1's in r0 or my 2tb r0.
Just bought the game, gonna get it installed on the SSD's this evening.