Downsizing mATX?


Limp Gawd
Dec 11, 2010
Basically, I've got an Athlon II X3 435 or something on stock undervolted to something like 1.0V or 1.1V on stock clock speed in a Gigabyte 880GMA-UD2H (mATX board) firing up a 1920*1200 display. This is my parents pc and they basically just use it for checking emails, streaming videos online and general web browsing really hence a graphics card is not needed. It runs off a 30GB OCZ Vertex SSD and has a 1TB WD Caviar Green along with a full size DVD RW drive.

Now the "media" case I've got it in is pretty big so I wondered what the smallest mATX case would be. I don't have much cash to spend (otherwise I'd just flog the board and go for a mini ITX board) so I'm not looking at anything too high end. Like I said, it runs off integrated graphics and doesn't exactly use much power nor do they actually download/store much so perhaps I could even get rid of the HDD as it would most likely reduce the space needed in the case. Also, they almost never buy DVDs themselves so they rarely, if at all, use the DVD drive so that can go too.

Basically, what's the smallest mATX case on the market that can hold this? Like I said, space for 3.5" can go, DVD drive can go, ATX PSU can definitely go. If any of these features exist in a small mATX case then of course I wouldn't rule that case out.

Also, I'm from the UK, so the choice is more narrow.

Using the stock one with the heatpipes but I can use a even slimmer one if needed as the temps are really low.

Thanks but that tower case looks far too large, far too much width and height that will be unused and very poor value for money in my opinion.

Thanks again for the help mate! It sure is available.

Just for info my current case is the Nox Media II case at 370 (W) x 140 (H) x 450 (D) mm, the CM Elite 100 is (W) 262 x (H)69.6 x (D) 318 mm so I guess I do save quite a lot of space, especially if I stand it vertically.

Ah I just realised I should have just gone for a 60/64GB SSD instead of buying the WD Caviar Green as they don't store much, and also they're probably not even storing things on the data drive and putting it on the SSD anyway haha. Was stupid of me to not realise. It certainly is available in the UK, and for only £45 too, so really not shabby at all. Only problem is the it doesn't look very nice and spcr says the PSU fan is loud and I'm not really a modder, however, this is spcr we're talking about so they might be overly sensitive to noise.

Right now that case is really tempting though and I may just go for it as I doubt I'll find a better option.
I've got an Antec ISK-310 and it seems the CM Elite 100 is more narrow with a bit more width so it seems like a good size to me, especially for an mATX case!