DOOM3's MP is a 4 players only game. But SP has 28 missions.


May 18, 2002

HomeLAN - Some gaming fans are still disappointed that Doom 3 will only have a four player multiplayer game. What would you say to the doubters out there who don’t believe Doom 3 will have a memorable multiplayer experience?

Todd Hollenshead - DOOM 3 is first and foremost a single player experience and that has been our focus from the outset. However, the fans who played the multiplayer at QuakeCon last summer loved it, and that's a group that can be hard to please. To those who doubt id's ability to make a fun multiplayer game with what we're doing in DOOM 3, I'll point to DOOM, DOOM II, Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Enemy Territory as examples that we have a long history of making fun multiplayer games.

DOOM 3 Inaugural Deathmatch Championship:
Yes, you read that correctly. DOOM 3 Deathmatch is coming to QuakeCon 2004, and there has never been a more level playing field. With DOOM 3 launching this summer, there won’t be anyone who has had time to practice or master the game, and almost any QuakeCon attendee has a chance to walk away with one of the exclusive DOOM 3 prizes. We’re not telling you what they are just yet, but let’s just say that they’re fast. Registration for this 128-player tournament will begin August 12, 2004 - the first day of QuakeCon.

I walked in from work & found my PC Gamer D3 Edition (September 2004). D3's MP maps will include the Quake2 map Edge2.

The SinglePlayer will contain 28missions, yes 28 missions. So remember that Id created the ultimate SP experience. The MP was not the main focus, but it will be a blast.

These photos of D3 are fantastic. These graphics will make me & my GPU scream like a BIT@%$#.
i think it's been said time and again. doom 3 will be a multiplayer game. and i say good. modder's will enlarge it quite a bit. i applaud id for bringing something new and different to the table.
i actually think that this will be one of the most interesting multiplayer games i have ever played due to the new engine and having a deathmatch mode which doesn't have 50-100+ people.
Seraphim974 said:
i actually think that this will be one of the most interesting multiplayer games i have ever played due to the new engine and having a deathmatch mode which doesn't have 50-100+ people.

Yeah, that coupled with the lack of people jumping around like brain-dead rabbits with guns will make this a great multiplayer experience :)
I'm going to hide in the shadows and beat all you nancy boys to a pulp with my flashlight. Ph33r the Light.
The Batman said:
I'm going to hide in the shadows and beat all you nancy boys to a pulp with my flashlight. Ph33r the Light.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to the SP mostly, but the MP looks like it should be fun in its own way :)

edit: side note: Wow Batman! You just registered today and you have 25 posts! :eek: Nice PPD average :D
Hey, no need for punkbuster!!!!

All of these PC Gamer shots show the game to be very very dark. That Flashlight idea reminds me of the HL1 crowbar days. :D

It will seem strange @ 1st to have 3 other people. This will make for a lot of waiting in the shadows.

Dan Morris, the writer of this article said that it took him 23 tension filled hours to finish D3.

Then on to MP.
It'd be cool if someone could make a mode for Monsters vs. Marines. :D

/me wants to be really big monster. Boom...Boom........BOOM ROAR!!!! :D :D :D
Me and some friends have a LAN party scheduled for the 7th - so the release of Doom 3 is right on time for us. We're thinking of doing a Doom 3 bracket tourny or something. Should kick ass :D
Why is it that word of Doom 3 multiplayer being only 4 players would have incited riots had it been for any other equally highly anticipated game, but just because it's Doom 3 people are willing to call it "revolutionary" and "fun," even when they don't know what's entailed in that 4 player multiplayer? For all you know it could just be a regular deathmatch, with absolutely no innovation whatsoever (which let's face it, it most likely will be, considering it's id) so why would that be innovative? They didn't do it because they thought it would be more fun to have less people bunnyhopping around all over the place, they did it because they realized their engine wouldn't be able to handle more than that. That's just my guess, anyway.
finalgt, couldn't agree with you more. The cap of 4 people on doom3 is going to make it suck. Doom3 was never really made for MP, though. Hl2 should be better for MP, and Doom3 for SP.
No, it was because it would put too much strain on the systems of today trying to keep track of 16+ players.
alphaone said:
It'd be cool if someone could make a mode for Monsters vs. Marines. :D

/me wants to be really big monster. Boom...Boom........BOOM ROAR!!!!

Dude, thats a great idea for a mod. I'll get started on that asap :D :D
i'm getting together with about 12 friends for some LAN action on the 7th too. We agreed on that date at our last lan in june, and when id announced doom3 would be released just in time for the lan, i thought to myself, "there is a god!" :D
We decided on the 7th about 2-3 weeks ago. Our last LAN party was in June I believe. Even before the Doom3 announcement, we were realizing this is gonna be our biggest one yet (usually we have about 10 people steady). I think we might have up to 15 this time. We're gonna have to lay out the tables differently...
Please Shadows?, Darkness? half the people thats going to play MP is going to turn their gama up so they can see into the darkness. :mad:
Alex A. said:
Please Shadows?, Darkness? half the people thats going to play MP is going to turn their gama up so they can see into the darkness. :mad:

Or disable shadows. :eek:
Alex A. said:
Please Shadows?, Darkness? half the people thats going to play MP is going to turn their gama up so they can see into the darkness. :mad:

But its not the same kind of darkness as changing the gamma. If you can't see someone because there's no light where they're standing then you plain can't see someone. Its game-specific data, not a monitor specific anomaly. No matter how much you want to make your monitor look washed out you shouldn't be able to see someone that's really lurking in the shadows.
CatsGoMoo said:
But its not the same kind of darkness as changing the gamma. If you can't see someone because there's no light where they're standing then you plain can't see someone. Its game-specific data, not a monitor specific anomaly. No matter how much you want to make your monitor look washed out you shouldn't be able to see someone that's really lurking in the shadows.
Thank God
Dude, that's finally innovation. That's real tactical multiplayer.

GeForceX said:
Dude, that's finally innovation. That's real tactical multiplayer.



Small multiplayer games are the best since you actually have to use strategy to sneak up and get the opponent rather than firing a rocket into a mass of 20+ people.
^^^camping in the shadows like a girly-man isn't strategy, it is a tactic...

Strategy is joining an MP game with two of your buddies, while the unlucky 4th player doesn't know it is 3 vs 1, lol.
I hope someone figures out how to remove the 4 player only limit, otherwise thatis going to grow old quickly.
by multiplayer... does anyone know if it will be co-op option just like in the original. It was awesome back in the day, going through the entire game with a couple friends at your side.... or is this going to be just 4 player deathmatch type counterstrike stuff?
id has said there will not be a co-op multiplayer options with the release of the game although they may decide to implement it later.
For the record a recent interview with the guy who developed the net code stated that while there is only a 4 player online mode, the mod community will be able to raise that number. So look for some mods in the future with a larger number of players available. Sorry I can't remember where the link is to the interview.
I doubt it would have built in voice communication, but that would be cool.
I think all multiplayer PC games need voice communication, though TeamSpeak works really well, not everyone uses it or has access to a TS server.
No built in voice communication? Ventrilo.

2v2? I still scrim 2v2 on Counter-Strike.

This sounds good to me :)
Ventrilo is the best voice comms I've used and I used TS for 2 years. The 4 player limit in D3 shouldn't be a big problem, but honestly I'm waiting for Q4 DM. I hope Q4 brings back the TRUE 1v1 DM where it's powerfull weapons, free movement, and good maps. I know I know people hate games like that for some reason, but you just need to learn how to master things like the Bhop or strafe jumping in Q3 engine games then you'll start owning all the n00bs. :D
I read somewhere that DOOM 3s multiplayer was designed for 4 players, but you can have more players in the MP game. Designed does not mean you can ONLY have 4 players.
Gameplay should not consist of taking advantage of bugs or flaws in a games engine. :rolleyes:

Timdog said:
Ventrilo is the best voice comms I've used and I used TS for 2 years. The 4 player limit in D3 shouldn't be a big problem, but honestly I'm waiting for Q4 DM. I hope Q4 brings back the TRUE 1v1 DM where it's powerfull weapons, free movement, and good maps. I know I know people hate games like that for some reason, but you just need to learn how to master things like the Bhop or strafe jumping in Q3 engine games then you'll start owning all the n00bs. :D
Incorrect, Doom3 deathmatch will be limited at 4 people per game. Making that higher will require editing of the dom3 mp game code, or by specification in a mod, etc.

Harkamus said:
I read somewhere that DOOM 3s multiplayer was designed for 4 players, but you can have more players in the MP game. Designed does not mean you can ONLY have 4 players.
You guys that have lan parties planned around D3 will have to think about diff. configurations do to the limit. :( Atleast until the mod community creates something. :D

4-man server setups with several setups going at the same time. This would be wild jumping from room to room to change up players.

Well I loved Max Payne w/o any MP content, so I will love D3 even more. We will just have to understand that this game IS designed to a SP game.
I was actually thinking of the Splinter Cell thing too. It does indeed make use of shadows, especially for Pandora Tomorrow's multiplayer game. Interesting. But we all just have to wait for the D3 multiplayer. Since it's really all about SP, focus that on the SP than just the MP-- I hope the SP is good though.

As for Q4-- I really wish they have strafing and all that but it's going to be developed by Raven Software. :( So, I have no idea what to say about them but they did indeed make SoF2 and from what I saw, they are gamers themselves and they are wide open to suggestions. If you want strafing, tell them. They'll listen. So, folks-- it's the ultimate gamer's game. :)
