doom3 trent reznor sound pack


Aug 25, 2002
Doom 3 - Trent Reznor Sound Pack

it's also being hosted on gamespot:
Cooool...Trent Reznor did an awesome job for Quake many moons ago.

I wonder when the next Nine Inch Nails cd will be released...
when/how did he make this? did he make it after the game was released....or did he make it when he was working with id earlier in development?
I remember, um, browsing through the alpha and seeing the sounds, going...hmmmm, there is a directory called nin....i wonder what that could be..
I hate to say it but I really wonder if this pack is even legal. Especially when considering that Trent made id start over from scratch on all the sounds he did when he left. Guess we'll find out if it's legal or not if Trent starts tossing out C&D letters.
cease and desist I believe

geez, sounds like trent go pissed at someone/something if he made them start all over from scratch. that's not right....

anybody know what happened?
Knowing Trent, he probably just got pissy because it was taking so long and he wanted to do other projects. He owns the rights to anything he makes, therefore, if ID had wanted to use the sounds he had already made, they would've had to pay him royalties. They probably gave him a big fuck you, and got somebody else to do the sounds.
I remember reading that it was just a scheduling conflict with Doom3 and his new album. No animosity between them, but you'd think they'd have this kinda shit figured out, I mean he's a rock star, and they have agents and managers whose job it is to manage their time.

Who knows.
Well, I'm sure ID fell behind schedule, just like all game developers do (that's why the game was delayed like 3 times). Trent wanted to do other projects, so he just up and left. That's my guess anyway.
When I talked to Graeme Devine just before he left id Software, I asked him about it. He was the one from id dealing with Trent. Trent was needing to get back into the studio to work on his album and couldn't do both projects. No hard feelings and Trent is still a major fan of id Software. I haven't heard if he's picked up the game and played it yet, but I imagine he will.

Graeme only had good things to say about working with Trent. If anyone wants, I can ask Graeme for further details.

Edit: Never mind. I went ahead and emailed Graeme asking for details on the sound pack.
hey Torgo, you know Graeme Devine? That's cool.

Is he teaching at the Guildhall permanently now? What made him leave id and decide to start teaching? I read an article about him in Game Developer, regarding his sound work on Doom was really cool.
jchahn said:
Well, I'm sure ID fell behind schedule, just like all game developers do (that's why the game was delayed like 3 times). Trent wanted to do other projects, so he just up and left. That's my guess anyway.

ID never delayed. At no point before the final release date did they ever give any release date other than "when it's done".
Just got a reply back.
Graeme Devine said:

Wow, first I've heard of this. I'll ask some id guys!
I'll keep everyone posted of any response. I'll see some guys at id Software tonight probably. I'll see if I can't corner one or two of 'em and find out if Graeme doesn't beat me to it.
hard to tell, the pistol sounds a bit erm..meatier, louder. Alot of the enemy sounds, sound like they've been flanged and phased, like the highs get a real...tin like sound (if that makes sense). Maybe just compression?

But any jerk with CoolEdit freeware can do this if they started with a decent sound/waveform. Seems hard to believe that talented musicians with a full on studio and folly room wouldn't make better sounds than this.

Plus you'd think they'd be alot more F'd up and unearthly, if you think about how NIN's broken and fixed (well everything they've done), sounded. To me alot of the sounds were like 'Hey, scream into the mic again, and I'll throw a filter on it and we'll call it a day'. Not sure whats going on.
just to clear this up, this is in no way official, or even put together by trent, what it is, is simply someone who took sounds from a previous version of doom3 (i think we all know which version that is) and incorporated them into the final game.
i just found out gamespot is hosting it also, the first post is edited to include the link now, and here is what had to say about the soundpack.

We got a whole lot of mail about this one. Gamespot is hosting a Doom 3 trent reznor sound pack, which from my understanding takes the (superior) sounds from the leaked E3 Alpha version of DoomIII, and allows them to be used in the commercial release of Doom3. This in itself isn't terribly newsworthy, considering the E3 leak is stolen copyrighted material, and people who've hosted that content in the past have had the smack laid down on them.

What makes it extra interesting is that the Voodoo Extreme 3 website claims "Even though Gamespot got it from Trent, id wasn't too jazzed with them posting it." I would hesitate to say Trent sent Gamespot the sound files, because they've been rearranged into the correct folders, and converted to OGG format (from WAV) so as to correctly interface with the game engine. One would assume that since that E3 version, there would have been more sounds created, however, only the sounds in that leaked "alpha" are in this pack.

Not that I would complain if Trent quietly released all the sounds he worked on for Doom III -- but I wouldn't keep your hopes up. I'm sure there are contracts and things involved that simply would not allow for this sort of thing. (Not that this stopped ATI from putting the demo out, but that's another point.)
Hmmm, the link on no longer works. And you need an account to get it off gamespot. Any chance someone could post this on here? Its only 8.6MB