DOOM movie goes to Universal!!!

Oct 23, 2002
Here's an article from a website that I am unsure if I can link to:
The journeys of the Doom movie around Hollywood continue as Warner Bros. have allowed their rights to expire. Universal was quick to jump in and optioned Doom for producers Lorenzo di Bonaventura and writer/producer John Wells of ER and West Wing fame, with Enda McCallion attached to make his directorial debut.

The story of the Doom based movie is a long and confusing one. Initially the film was at both Columbia and Universal who owned but never developed the property. ID's deal with Warners put that studio under deadlines to get things done. The deal required WB to have a script by a certain date, get green lit by another and to start filming by a certain time. Since those conditions were not met, the rights immediately came back to iD.

The script, originated by Dave Callaham, is adapted from the plotline for the id Software and Activision video game Doom 3, slated for release July 15.

The story is set at a Mars space station, where an aerospace conglom is conducting secret experiments when something unleashes a demonic force that threatens to overtake the facility.

It seems that in this case the game will be released far ahead of the movie.

WOW!!! So who do you think should play the main character (did he even HAVE a name) don't think they'll be smart and make this an R ALMOST crossing into X rating??? Gotsta be REALLY REALLY gory and have a kik ass story line!!! And awesome effects and good acting...
I think Rob Lowe could be the main actor. Or maybe someone with a deep voice. 'Sarge' needs to be some bad-ass, buff, deep-voice muthafucker.
I want to see Duke Nukem in the headrole for DOOM :D

Should have some classe one liners to deliver
Arnold is his prime would have been great, even with the accent. Right now I would have to go with Vin Diesel.
Vin can't act worth shit. He's a badass though. Arnold can act better than Vin. But somehow, I don't think Arnold could fit the role.

Actually nvm. If Arnold can pull off another look like his commando role in Predator, it might be good.
somehow I don´t think actor skills is all that relevant in this kind of movie... How many lines did that Doom dude have in the real game? zero. How much story? Just about zero.

I really can´t see how they can make a movie that even resembles the game...
Yeah, Vin Diesel is NOT an actor. He just plays the same role over and over again. The Rock is actually a really good actor, but he wouldn't fit this role though. I wouldn't like to see Arnold in it either. I saw get some new talent, someone who fits the role perfectly.
with Enda McCallion attached to make his directorial debut.
With that sentence, so ended my hope of this movie being any good. It will suck, suck, suck. If it had a director with some chops, then I would feel a lot better about it.

So my dreams of Sam Raimi directing with Bruce Campbell starring are dashed. Oh, to see Bruce with the chainsaw again! sniff... sniff...
Isn´t it that Boll guy that also are doing the Far Cry movie. I think he has slaughtered more game licenses than anyone else really.

But come on do Aliens beat T 2? I admit it gets damn close but not really in T 2 standards.
you know, Vin gets wayyyy too much fucking flak for fast and furious and crap.

He was good in boiler room, the small part in saving private ryan, Pitch black, and the voice in iron giant.

People just like to bandwagon him based on fast and furious and XXX crappy movies.

Vin was a hardcore D&D player, even tattooed the name of his guy on him. He runs his own game company that helped with the actual GOOD riddick game that just come out.

I think he'd be pretty good in the doom movie.
oqvist said:
Isn´t it that Boll guy that also are doing the Far Cry movie. I think he has slaughtered more game licenses than anyone else really.

But come on do Aliens beat T 2? I admit it gets damn close but not really in T 2 standards.

While I admit that T2 was a fucking awesome flick, and the visual effects are still outstanding by today's standards even...Aliens was far ahead of the game for the time period it was released in. Cameron in general is a genius and I love just about everything he's done.
Yes it´s hard to argue with that. Even the Abyss is really something extra not to forget Titanic. Btw has he stopped making movies altogether?
oqvist said:
somehow I don´t think actor skills is all that relevant in this kind of movie... How many lines did that Doom dude have in the real game? zero. How much story? Just about zero.

I really can´t see how they can make a movie that even resembles the game...

But what you didn't read was ... they're basing the movie off of Doom III. Not the original Doom. I think it could make for a great movie, given the right actors and I hope that director knows what he's doing.

If they can make it look anything like a James Cameron flick ... thumbs up.
What would be really cool was if some professional hollywood writers would write the story for the DOOM 3 game. Story haven´t been ID:s strong points in the past...
Just as long as it doesnt end up like Event Horizon...LOL...sadly I kinda liked that movie :(

The story was lacking but the concept was kinda ok. :p
I was thinking Bruce Willis in his Die Hard days. Too bad he's a bit old now. I wouldn't mind seeing Vin Diesel in the role. I hate the cheezy characters (Fast&Furious) he usually does, but he has had a few good ones.

Oh and ALIENS IS one of the best scifi movies of all time. And just think, they did it all on a $16 million budget. $16 Mil couldn't buy you a Mentos commercial now a days...
Even Bruce Willis in 5th Element will do. Another fantastic movie :D (read the sig)

Bruce Willis as Sarge would kick my ass.
I think talk about who is going to star in it is a bit premature, given that the formula (1st time screenwriter) + (1st time director) = teh sux0r.

I can't find a IMDB entry for Dave Callaham for any pre-existing movie, although he's sold at least two other scripts for upcoming movies. It doesn't bode well. Talk all you want about Vin, Bruce, Arnold or whatever action actor you want. The best actor can only do so much when the script and direction is crap.
Torgo said:
I think talk about who is going to star in it is a bit premature, given that the formula (1st time screenwriter) + (1st time director) = teh sux0r.

I can't find a IMDB entry for Dave Callaham for any pre-existing movie, although he's sold at least two other scripts for upcoming movies. It doesn't bode well. Talk all you want about Vin, Bruce, Arnold or whatever action actor you want. The best actor can only do so much when the script and direction is crap.

yeah just look at XXX, Blind Date and Last Action Hero
Harkamus said:
I think Rob Lowe could be the main actor. Or maybe someone with a deep voice. 'Sarge' needs to be some bad-ass, buff, deep-voice muthafucker.
Yes I agree ;)
Stiler said:
you know, Vin gets wayyyy too much fucking flak for fast and furious and crap. He gets flak because he can't act. I will give you that he had some good roles were he did act pretty well. You mentioned those movies. But Pitch Black? He hardly talked!
QHalo said:
Even Bruce Willis in 5th Element will do. Another fantastic movie :D (read the sig)

Bruce Willis as Sarge would kick my ass.

Bruce looks kinda like the main guy from Quake III. The guy with the cigar. :p
Harkamus said: He gets flak because he can't act. I will give you that he had some good roles were he did act pretty well. You mentioned those movies. But Pitch Black? He hardly talked!

you just admitted he had some good roles where he did act pretty well, and then you are basing his acting ability off of movies like fast and furious and XXX, what was he supposed to act like? a meat eating popsicle?

the acting can only go so far in a movie when the direction wants you to act a certain way and the script doesn't really call for much.
Stiler said:
you just admitted he had some good roles where he did act pretty well, and then you are basing his acting ability off of movies like fast and furious and XXX, what was he supposed to act like? a meat eating popsicle?

the acting can only go so far in a movie when the direction wants you to act a certain way and the script doesn't really call for much.

OK, my mistake. Good actors research their roles. I'm saying that Vin didn't fit the roles in most of his movies.
I liked the two where he played Riddik...what was the other one called again??? Not the Chronicles of Riddik but the other one...watched it and it was the first time I saw him in a movie...I really liked that movie too but I completely forgot about it...must watch it again
no namer would be better for actor. hopefully they won't butcher it like they did with final fantasy and dungeons and dragons (i actually didn't see either but just heard they blew) and starship troopers. but at least it's out of warner's hands. they do a good job of butchering good ideas into crap (batman & robin anybody?)

and can anybody say "trent reznor does bitching rock soundtrack"
Metallica_Band said:
I liked the two where he played Riddik...what was the other one called again??? Not the Chronicles of Riddik but the other one...watched it and it was the first time I saw him in a movie...I really liked that movie too but I completely forgot about it...must watch it again

Pitch black.
oqvist said:
What would be really cool was if some professional hollywood writers would write the story for the DOOM 3 game. Story haven´t been ID:s strong points in the past...

Uh...were you being sarcastic [I don't see a smiley] cuz iD DID hire a writer for the D3 story.

Will there actually be an in-depth storyline or just a regular "storyline" that we usually get from id software?

Believe it or not, there will actually be an in-depth story line. Id has hired writer Matt Castelo to come up with an intriguing and suspenseful storyline to go along with the terrifying gameplay. His previous works include writing for such games as the 7th Guest and The 11th Hour.
HRslammR said:
no namer would be better for actor. hopefully they won't butcher it like they did with final fantasy and dungeons and dragons (i actually didn't see either but just heard they blew) and starship troopers. but at least it's out of warner's hands. they do a good job of butchering good ideas into crap (batman & robin anybody?)
This post made me laugh. Why?

Dungeons and Dragons - Director (Courney Solomon) 1st directed movie
Final Fantasy - Director (Hironobu Sakaguchi & Moto Sakakibara) 1st directed movie

Batman & Robin (Joel Schumaker) and Starship Troopers (Paul Verhoeven) were done by pretty good writers and directors, but something went wrong along the way. Maybe it's further proof that first time directors usually blow it the first time out and even the good ones have a bad movie every now and then.
i heard it was supposed to be the rock, hhh, to star in this movie. But Brock Lesnar would be perfect for Duke Nukem.
They should hire Martha Stewart, clone her, and cast them all as the Imps ingame.
cuemasterfl said:
Keanu Reeves.

Watching Keanu Reeves is like watching a monotone act.

Man, they need more actors like Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro, or Tom Hanks.

Hmmm, maybe De Niro could play Sarge.