Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

I'll have an update on Dec-1, I'm putting together a short video on "working with styrene" --specifically, how I added details to the platform. ;)
Guess I will polish this video off with some good voice over narration after all--It will be a day or so--hang in there :D
dude, i've been watching your work on this project for so long....


dont do anything crazy for the next few weeks. i dont want you dying and then i dont get to see the finished product. dont die on me man, DONT DIE ON ME!

sorry, it's late...... and i'm bored....
CrimsonSky said:
I'll have an update on Dec-1, I'm putting together a short video on "working with styrene" --specifically, how I added details to the platform. ;)

December 3rd :rolleyes:
CrimsonSky said:
Guess I will polish this video off with some good voice over narration after all--It will be a day or so--hang in there :D

Aso, young grasshopper, you must be patient and yielding, like a supple blade of grass.
shaking.....cold.....trembling.....had reaches for crimson sky syringe but its empty.........where is it.....its not there.......i....i.....aghhhhhhhh

but seriusly take your time
bah i know what he's doing.. he's stalling to rack up the view count on the thread.. he wants a mill... ;)
Gongo said:
bah i know what he's doing.. he's stalling to rack up the view count on the thread.. he wants a mill... ;)

I seriously hope you're being sarcastic.
Crimson is kick ass, therefore wait and be patient. better that he gives us a nice long and funky update with vid and sound, than small ones.
moreover i am extremely proud of everyone in hard forum, (even though i am new) that after me saying what i thought he should have in the system, there was no fan boy flaming.
What I am really intrested to know is the material that the doors, the base and the top rim "skin" is made of.
So he jsut gets pieces of plastic and fills in the seems with bondo? Is that also what the blast doors are made of?

What is the material of the LCD box?

Actually, what exacly is styrene? Is that plastic as well?
Well it looks like I'll have to do some more work on this video--so I decided to post the images of the platform that will be featured in it. For anyone interested you'll get a good idea of how to work with styrene plastic.

meanwhile, i completed the platform and all that's left to do is fill some tiny seams and paint it to match my theme. I took a lot of elements from the game such as tread plate, square tubing handrails, a set of stairs on the right side and a small circular landing on the left. I can now place some goodies on the platform such as ammo cases, O2 canisters etc. Here are some pics of interest:

First, some reference screenshots to give an idea of color:



Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9
CrimsonSky said:
Well it looks like I'll have to do some more work on this video--so I decided to post the images of the platform that will be featured in it. For anyone interested you'll get a good idea of how to work with styrene plastic.

meanwhile, i completed the platform and all that's left to do is fill some tiny seams and paint it to match my theme. I took a lot of elements from the game such as tread plate, square tubing handrails, a set of stairs on the right side and a small circular landing on the left. I can now place some goodies on the platform such as ammo cases, O2 canisters etc. Here are some pics of interest:




edit - you sly boots, you..
If you do not mind my saying...

Maniacally realistic! Your new addition has accentuated any spectral dimension of the case that had previously demanded attention. The addition of O2 boxes and such may be the most thematically methodic creativity I would only hope to witness in the prospect of case modding.
CrimsonSky said:
Well it looks like I'll have to do some more work on this video--so I decided to post the images of the platform that will be featured in it. For anyone interested you'll get a good idea of how to work with styrene plastic.

meanwhile, i completed the platform and all that's left to do is fill some tiny seams and paint it to match my theme. I took a lot of elements from the game such as tread plate, square tubing handrails, a set of stairs on the right side and a small circular landing on the left. I can now place some goodies on the platform such as ammo cases, O2 canisters etc. Here are some pics of interest:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

OMG bro.....I don't know how many times I can say "you continue to amaze me" without sounding overly redundant, but the platform is slick, and will look great once it's painted. :cool:
What exactly is styrene plastic? Is it just a big block of plastic that you carve out? Or is it sheets that you bend and mold?
Deam said:
What exactly is styrene plastic? Is it just a big block of plastic that you carve out? Or is it sheets that you bend and mold?

I think its explained pretty well earlier in this worklog...

Oh and Crim, I'm running out of words to describe what I think of your work...just plain awesome...I can't believe the detail you put into that platform. wow
Your attention to detail continues to make us all happy in the pants. :cool:

I will be sad when this mod is done, that'll mean no more updates! :(
Ah, I see.
So Crimson, how do you shape it as you have done, like with the airlock doors?
siege said:
I think its explained pretty well earlier in this worklog...

Oh and Crim, I'm running out of words to describe what I think of your work...just plain awesome...I can't believe the detail you put into that platform. wow

There are 76 pages, and while I am usually not lazy, I just did not have the chance to go through them all. I guess where I get boggled are things like the rails for the blast door of the LCD panel. Is that one solid piece of styrene? Or just various pieces cut, bent and then glued to form?
Deam said:
There are 76 pages, and while I am usually not lazy, I just did not have the chance to go through them all. I guess where I get boggled are things like the rails for the blast door of the LCD panel. Is that one solid piece of styrene? Or just various pieces cut, bent and then glued to form?
73 pages, mister...way to read :rolleyes:

jkjk :p
You got me!

But seriously, this mod is some extra-ordinary work. The 20 or so years of experience doesn't make me feel all that inadequate in my modding anymore. But I am interested to learn the techniques of how to use plastic, as I find that would highly increase creativity in mods of this nature.
Deam said:
You got me!

But seriously, this mod is some extra-ordinary work. The 20 or so years of experience doesn't make me feel all that inadequate in my modding anymore. But I am interested to learn the techniques of how to use plastic, as I find that would highly increase creativity in mods of this nature.

I'm still working on the video: "Scratcbuilding with Styrene Plastic"--That should help you on your way--
Indeed, that woudl be EXACTLY what I am looking for :-D
It seems with that skill you can really do a lot with creativity.

Crimson, I just want to say, now that you told me the word "scatchbuildling", I know what to search for in Google.
"Scratchbuilding", "dry-brushing" and WH40K: Dawn Of War released recently... I'm 14 again! :D
wow how did you craft the base walkway plates to look like steel plates including the raised bumps in it.. that's amazing
Gongo said:
wow how did you craft the base walkway plates to look like steel plates including the raised bumps in it.. that's amazing

I hand carved each tread bump by hand... :p

Nah..its an architectural styrene plastic veneer you can buy in several scale model sizes. These were a bit on the big size, but i think it's ok.
Wow Crimson, once again I have to step back and remind myself that this is not a prop for a movie, but an actual working (or soon to be) PC. :eek: I have completely forgotten what you're actually going to put inside, so I'll have to go through the pic file again. You're going to have to do a keyboard and mouse for this, nothing else will be acceptable sitting in front of it. Hell, you may have to do the monitor too! Sorry, just made more work for you...
This video I created is turning into a bigger production than initially planned...It will pretty much cover all the basics of styrene plastic shaping and forming. early next week is my target.
i saw this in some computer mag......... i gotta buy it. i saw a lot of stuff in there i saw on here