Doom 3... worst game ever?

Ron1jed said:
just beat it. The movement is sooooo slow. the gameplay is HORRIBLE. Is ther eanyone out there that acutaly like this game?

I loved that damn game, I was a little disappointed in how easy the Bosses were, I beat the last guy in under 10min. Other then that is was a bad ass game, the expansion pack was bad ass as well, although they did copy the gravity gun from HL2 and it sucked in Doom3 cause Doom3 has no physics....
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Oh well...Either way. Doom3 rocked and the engine will be used for other games...and i can't wait...also i know a few here who know me. and one other thing i have to say..HL2 = boring. I played it on a friends about boring. It takes Little to No skill to play HL2. :D
[RIP]Zeus said:
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Oh well...Either way. Doom3 rocked and the engine will be used for other games...and i can't wait...also i know a few here who know me. and one other thing i have to say..HL2 = boring. I played it on a friends about boring. It takes Little to No skill to play HL2. :D
why are you trying to start a fight you will lose
ryanrule said:
why are you trying to start a fight you will lose

It's not a matter of losing or winning a fight...It's my Opinion HL2 sucks and Doom3 rocks..end of story.
i think it was ok for the first few levels, but i got bored of it so quickly that i didn't even finish the game.

pagoon said:
They will make more money selling the engine for other games rather than Doom 3 itself. Doom 3 was to show off the engine. Q4, RTCW2, and possibly UT2k5 will all be running the new engine.

well, if Q4 ends up using the D3 engine, i will most likely not play it at all. the only way i will play Q4 is if id keeps the strafe jumping & rocket jumping of Q3 intact. if i wanted to play an FPS where you just run around at normal speed, i'd play any one of the thousands of other FPS's. but instead, i play Q3 (Threewave CTF) because it's extremely fast-paced and fun as hell.

also, if i wanted to play a dark, puzzle-solving game that D3 turned out to be a lot of the time, i'd play (and still do play) the Splinter Cell series. great games, much better than D3 IMO.....

don't get me wrong, the graphics rocked ass, but great graphics don't make a great game.....the game has to be fun to play, also....
[RIP]Zeus said:
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Pretty much, yeah. The only things that I found disappointing were the anemic weapon reports, the crappy multiplayer, and the environment that wasn't quite as interactive and destructable as Todd Hollenshead had promised it to be.
[RIP]Zeus said:
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Oh well...Either way. Doom3 rocked and the engine will be used for other games...and i can't wait...also i know a few here who know me. and one other thing i have to say..HL2 = boring. I played it on a friends about boring. It takes Little to No skill to play HL2. :D

I'm 18 and I've loved all the doom games ,been playing them since I was 7. My dad who is 51 also like the doom sereis, its the only game he will play...Hes not very good at though but at lest he tries......
SuddenDemise said:
I loved that damn game, I was a little disappointed in how easy the Bosses were, I beat the last guy in under 10min. Other then that is was a bad ass game, the expansion pack was bad ass as well, although they did copy the gravity gun from HL2 and it sucked in Doom3 cause Doom3 has no physics....

I wouldn't say it had no physics, just maybe not physics you like. The game physics are better than most of the games out there that predate it.
JRPereira said:
I agree with the bad lighting. That really messed up a lot of the game. The lighting projects the faces that the light sources are hitting - and it projects them based on where the camera is (this is really obvious on small rails with the flashlight). It's not realtime per-pixel lighting using. It's just a cheap hack that john probably assumed would trick everyone into believing that he had some breakthrough with good lighting effects. The lack of proper ambient lighting is killer too - the game should've been a lot brighter than it was simply due to having a flashlight that had such bright light (the resulting ambient light from its beam would've been really good).

I'd argue that the use of lighting/shaders in half-life 2 were better. They felt more proper and realistic, even if they didn't try so hard to have per pixel lighting on every surface. The ambient light in half-life 2 is spot on.

do you have a programming background to back these statements up?
Well I just got it and played it and... ugh. I expected the game to look better at least, I didn't have any illusions about gameplay. Ugh. So I switched to KotOR and...

... it sucks too. Damn it.
It's a shame that more people didn't try RoE. It completely the changed the game to constant fighting and made the game not be a flashlight simulator. Another example of where a expansion can't save a fun game :(

I wish more people playing RoE CTF online....its really fun
eggrock said:
Well I just got it and played it and... ugh. I expected the game to look better at least, I didn't have any illusions about gameplay. Ugh. So I switched to KotOR and...

... it sucks too. Damn it.

KOTOR1 is one of the best RPGs on PC in recent years :rolleyes:
[A]MD-Fan said:
KOTOR1 is one of the best RPGs on PC in recent years :rolleyes:

Says you.

I've only given it a few hours and I'm hoping it gets better, but the story, dialogue, enforced cutscenes, GUI, enforced clicking (3 times to open a door!), lack of detail, lack of true mouselook (*for lefhanders, hitting CTRL sucks when you're using the numpad), so-so graphics and "_______ looks uncomfortable, maybe you should have another unresolvable argue-fest about something unrelated" SUCK.

Then again I know a lot of people that say that so maybe I'm in for a pleasant suprise. I hope so (I really, really hope so) because right now KotOR is nothing but a shitty console port. I'll give it another twenty hours and see where it goes, I'm praying for a pleasant suprise.

[edit] [/jack]
[RIP]Zeus said:
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Oh well...Either way. Doom3 rocked and the engine will be used for other games...and i can't wait...also i know a few here who know me. and one other thing i have to say..HL2 = boring. I played it on a friends about boring. It takes Little to No skill to play HL2. :D

You hit the nail right on the head.
[RIP]Zeus said:
Doom3 rocked ass....just like Doom and Doom ][ did...

To me it seems all the people who played doom3 did not play the orginal doom's

Doom3 was exactly what i expected...and gave me a ride of a life time...

I guess you have to be between the ages of 20 to 35 to really enjoy the Doom series...

To me it seems all the kids who play it. Do nothing but bitch whine and moan about a great game.

Like i said i guess you have to be a seasoned vet to really understand the Doom Series..

Also what i find really neat was my dad likes doom3, Just like Doom and Doom][

My dad is also 56 years old. And he is the one who got me into gaming when i was 6 years old. I am now 25 :D

Oh well...Either way. Doom3 rocked and the engine will be used for other games...and i can't wait...also i know a few here who know me. and one other thing i have to say..HL2 = boring. I played it on a friends about boring. It takes Little to No skill to play HL2. :D

I'm 25, played all the previous Doom games, and I thought Doom 3 sucked. Its an opinion, you can hardly make such sweeping generalizations about a group of people that didn't like it, and still be taken seriously.

As for being the worst game ever, no one can take the crown away from Dakitana (sp?). :p
I loved the game, I grew up playing Doom 2 and didn't go into Doom 3 expecting it to be the best game ever.

The idea of Doom 3 being the worst game ever make me think you have some serious issues.
Evil Scooter said:
Open door. Booo scary monster. Open door. BOooooooo scary monster.....

^^^^ What he said. Stalest most rehashed gameplay I have suffered throught in the last 10 years. AI was so dumb the devs just gave up. Instead of real strategy its the same old "critter that was not there 1 second ago is there now" in a lame attempt to make the game challenging. I hear the graphics were great, to bad you do not get to see any of them in the near total darkness that was d3. Stumbling around in the darkness is neither scary or fun, get a clue devs. Oh, I hear there was an expansion. Too bad I uninstalled the game 3 seconds after completeing it the first time through. Is it too late to get a refund??

Hahahaha sooooooo true.

Open door, turn around "OH LOOK A MONSTER BEHIND ME!!!!"


Far Cry... now THAT was fun. Without the trigens that would've been the best FPS ever!
Huggles said:
Hahahaha sooooooo true.

Open door, turn around "OH LOOK A MONSTER BEHIND ME!!!!"


Far Cry... now THAT was fun. Without the trigens that would've been the best FPS ever!

Ditto on the FarCry statement except I thought the trigens were ok. I can't say how much better I think FarCry is over D3 or HL2 it's that much better of a "game".

But I liked D3. I think people read so many reviews and pre-views there was no mystery to the game when it came out and that took something away from the experience that people had. I know I expected a lot and I looked at so many screenshots I felt as if I'd played the game before I played it.
I do agree with the guy who postulated that a certain age is required to really get into it. I am 41 and when I was about 26 I remember calling the 800 number off of the Doom demo to order my copy cause it was the coolest thing I had seen. I played that game everyday for a couple years mostly cause I could dial up the BBS and download .wad files and play custom levels of which I think there were thousands.
wrangler said:
I played that game everyday for a couple years mostly cause I could dial up the BBS and download .wad files and play custom levels of which I think there were thousands.

I think i still have the SailorMoon mod here somewhere :D
way to a bring up a dead thread lol

Ya I think we all learned that doom3 is not the worst game ever. Just the most boring in terms of gameplay.... :-P i love pissing of id heads!