DOOM 3...R.I.P....HL alive and well


Jul 29, 2004
HL 2...has blown away all the competition...period. This game....has everything. Sure...there are some complaints...try to keep everyone happy. The game is not long enough and it is simply addicting! Doom in peace. What a dark and negative game that was...all this stupid satanic symbolism. It was simply way overdone to make up for a light wieght story line. Half life 2 is the thinkers game. It simply has it all. Like I said...Period.
I am am playing it now and so far all it owns is my money that I paid for it. Still pretty fun though. It is different than Doom 3, pretty much equally fun, just doesn't seem as intense as Doom 3, I don't feel myself getting as immersed. Still cool though. Still waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to come along own both.
I did my best to enjoy the game. However it just didn't hold my attention. I got bored. I'm on chapter 11 and really don't feel like finishing it. It is very well made, but imho the story was un-immersive. I never had the feeling that i was in the action; i felt as if I was playing a script (a bad one at that). Great graphics and physics though.
Ricko said:
What a dark and negative game that was...all this stupid satanic symbolism.

a game about demons invading from hell, what did you expect ? :rolleyes:
Yeah the Half-Life 2 story is pretty awesome so far. Show up to checkpoint, everyone gets fucked, make way to next checkpoint, everyone gets murdered, show up to next checkpoint, everyone gets slaughtered. Get vehicle that handles like ass, make way to next checkpoint, where everyone gets slaughtered....
ruhk said:
Yeah the Half-Life 2 story is pretty awesome so far. Show up to checkpoint, everyone gets fucked, make way to next checkpoint, everyone gets murdered, show up to next checkpoint, everyone gets slaughtered. Get vehicle that handles like ass, make way to next checkpoint, where everyone gets slaughtered....


yeah it's fun, but there is NO STORY yet.

waiting 6+ hours into the game (who knows for how much longer) until you learn the story is DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
*some spoilers*

I bought it friday night, steam downloaded most of it overnight, then it crashed, restarted it saturday morning, within about 2 hours steam was done, played it all weekend

my thoughts:
graphically amazing, better than doom 3, even when doom is not completely pitch black
sound and music, very good
extremely immersive, just like the first one if not better.
weapons and vehicles were OK, I enjoyed the water boat ride, but the car kinda sucked.

The story line was this games major downfall, IMO. I had no idea what was going on, or why I was doing what I was doing. In the original HL, you had a decent story, and a personal motivation to see it through, I didn't see that in HL2.

I mean, I guess aliens took over the earth, and they put some human guy in charge, and i guess i should try and stop him. But then the rest of the game is just trying to get from point A to B...nothing you do really effects anything, just blow up some guards and such.
Also, I saw that some of the aliens (lightning bolt guys) from the first HL are there, and on the side of people...OK, so how did that happen?

Theres was no sense of permamency or satisfaction in what your doing. I was hoping in the end I would be able to beat that guy with my crowbar...he just kinda blows up I guess, you never actually see him die.

I liked the game, i think it was much better than Doom3, it just needed more details in the story, and more involvement of the player.
Doom3 and HL2 were really two totally different games. I've no doubt many people like HL2 better, but the Doom3 engine is still quite far ahead of the source engine. There is nothing in HL2 that couldn't be done in the Doom3 engine with the right developer. What HL2 is severely lacking is shadows of any type. I understand that this hurts performance, but comon guys, this engine is supposed to scale.

Anyways, these threads are getting old. Doom3 and HL2 are two totally different games. Its like saying HL2 is better than Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.
First I am tired of some here who he feel the need to make an *ss of themselves by degrading one game while doing nothing but singing the praises of the other. Second I am also tired of those who think we should NOT be comparing the two games. Huh?!?! Ok then what should we compare Doom 3 or Half-Life 2 to?!?! Is Halo 2 better for comparison?!?! Metroid Prime 2, GTA:SA, SIMs 2, MOH:pA, COD:UO?!?! (side note: is this the year of the sequel or what?!?!)

I love reading mature and rational discussions comparing Far Cry, Doom 3 and HL 2. It is fun and interesting to compare games and it is certainly reasonable and fair to compare the aforementioned FPS games. If you think HL2 rulez then back it up with some reasons. If DOOM 3 dominates all then spell it out for us. If Far Cry is far and away the best then prove it.

I own Far Cry and HL2, I played the Doom 3 demo but was not interested in a game that is almost 100% in dark/tight enviroments and I can do without the Hell imagery.

In order of appearance:
Far Cry - first the game came out of nowhere and took most gamers by surprise, not to mention it originally retailed at $40. I loved Far Cry, I loved the big outdoor environments, the very open ended game play, the fun vehicles, and the water looks amazing. The AI is excellent, and IMO is the best of the three. Far Cry also had a interesting and solid storyline.

Doom 3 - as mentioned I did not play the full game so I will base my comments simply on the demo. I was VERY impressed by how it looked, just awesome. I also thought the sound design was excellent. In fact I would tip my hat to Doom 3 for the best sound design. I get tired of dark/small environments, which means eventually I would have tired of the game before I finished. Indoor enviroments Doom 3 hands down the winner.

HL 2 - I just finished it last night. Wow... what a game, I can't wait to play it again. (IMO that is the mark of a great game). The outdoor visuals were awesome. The Striders, the bridge, personally I loved the boat and car chapters (However, vehicles were done better in Far Cry), I thought the Dog was cool. The music was very good and the sound was good. The physics engine was outrageous. Great story, character animation was fantastic and very realistic. One of the best gaming experiences I've had, if I had one complaint is that it was just a little too short, 2 more chapters would have been perfect. I was a bit disappointed with the AI, but maybe this in part due to playing at the Normal difficulty level?!?!

Far Cry - best AI, best water, best vehicles
Doom 3 - best indoor visuals, best sound design
HL 2 - best physics, best outdoor visuals, best character animation, best story

Overall I had the most fun playing HL2 and the most "that was cool" moments, but Far Cry is a close second. To be fair to Doom 3 it just is not my style of game, but nonetheless it is still an awesome game and deserves all the props it has received.
mr tanooki said:
thanks for making the same thread for the 4th time

Vildayyan2003 said:
People just want everyone to know HL2 was far beyong Doom3. I think they should be heard.

I think the other 3 threads should be sufficient :rolleyes:
Yeah whatever. DOOM 3 is much better and way more immersive. Steam is the most communist crap I have ever seen and on top of that the source graphics are not all that, I thought they would be much better. I heard all this hype to get let down. When I played it I felt like I was mad max and I was waiting for tina turner to jump out in some post nuclear outfit.

Not to mention not one time was I scared or nervous during this game. Doom 3 gave me nightmares for crying out loud and I am a 32 yr old tattoo having ex nucklehead criminal. My hat is still off to "Id" for making the game of the year. Half Life2 was over hyped and sorry but Doom3 is more immersive and has a way better graphical look and not to mention it was not nearly as buggy and did not have this "Steam" hitler crap. I bet the idiots over at valve did not consider the money they were going to lose by having steam authenticate and "unlock" your game from the internet. They just lost a huge amount of fans and customers. Look on the net at the giant amount of threads saying "Steam" sucks and people that want thier money back. I really think that Valve did not think this through and they are a bunch of greedy dorks that are related to adolf hitler.

Valve you can get the middle finger for your P.O.S. Steam. Congratulations on losing a bunch of fans and customers.
warsawtag said:
man i agree totally hl2 owns over everything PERIOD.


That is until Quake 4 comes and just shits all over HL2.

Oh and I completly agree with the guy above me... so true. FUCK Valve.
played for a few hours so far...I just got the gravity gun. Never played hl1 so I guess thats why I'm not raving about it. Cool outdoors though. I wouldn't say that the puzzles are very challenging....just a bit annoying. LOVED D3, but maybe its b/c i played 1&2, liked the monsters and the creepy shiz. Uh are there any bosses in hl2, or do you just keep killing the guys in the white masks, headcrabs, etc. Would be nice to go up against some crazy alien that doesn't take me just a few shots to kill. Or should I put the difficulty up all the way? Also is there some way to get rid of the loading while i play the game...they get kind of annoying, should they be happening a few times a level. I've got a gig of ram, so more ram is out of the question. Perhaps some tweaks I could use. Thanks for the help.
obs said:
Anyways, these threads are getting old. Doom3 and HL2 are two totally different games. Its like saying HL2 is better than Roller Coaster Tycoon 3.

I love building some nice coasters and watching them come off and puke. :D Ahhh fun. And yes, I do like Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. It's a nice diversion from blasting Combine soldiers or denizens from hell or whatever. It's a nice break from the status quo of games.
I just got kinda bored with Doom3. Personal preference. Not a slight on anyone who enjoyed the game, glad you did. I just like the mostly well lit environments in HL2. Doom3 scared me more times than any other game (save AvP2), but being scared doesn't make it playable, IMO.
I enjoyed... both of the... games very much. The graphics... on... both are very impressive. The only thing.... I didn't like... about Doom3 was that.... it was scary as hell... at least to me. Others might.... think of a plus though. Also Doom3 was repetitive in terms of the gimps spawning... everywhere.... all the time.... but otherwise... a good game.... as is.... Half....Life... 2.
WSlyce said:
I enjoyed... both of the... games very much. The graphics... on... both are very impressive. The only thing.... I didn't like... about Doom3 was that.... it was scary as hell... at least to me. Others might.... think of a plus though. Also Doom3 was repetitive in terms of the gimps spawning... everywhere.... all the time.... but otherwise... a good game.... as is.... Half....Life... 2.

Judging from your use of ellipses, you really like suspense... :)
theNoid said:
That is until Quake 4 comes and just shits all over HL2.

Oh and I completly agree with the guy above me... so true. FUCK Valve.

Have you played HL2 yet? Otherwise, how can you have a valid opinion? Oh, that's right, Valve delayed the game for a year, that means it's no good.
Torquemada XP said:
Judging from your use of ellipses, you really like suspense... :)
Judging from your knowledge of the plural of ellipsis, you're in the wrong thread... :)
I love HL2 and think it's slightly better than Doom-3, but let me tell you, I've never jumped from fright in my life while playing a game, like I did w/ Doom.

HL2 - 5/5 stars
Doom - 4.5/5 stars
BlackCoffee said:
I love HL2 and think it's slightly better than Doom-3, but let me tell you, I've never jumped from fright in my life while playing a game, like I did w/ Doom.

HL2 - 5/5 stars
Doom - 4.5/5 stars
I agree very much with you.
ruhk said:
Yeah the Half-Life 2 story is pretty awesome so far. Show up to checkpoint, everyone gets fucked, make way to next checkpoint, everyone gets murdered, show up to next checkpoint, everyone gets slaughtered. Get vehicle that handles like ass, make way to next checkpoint, where everyone gets slaughtered....

Half Life 2 (basically) has no story. You will know that when you complete it. The story will be in Half Life 3. I hate it when people compare Doom 3 to Half Life 2. No point. Why? Because they're two totally different types of games, built for two totally different reasons. Doom 3 is by FAR a better technological achievement than Half Life 2. If you don't agree, you should curl up in a corner, and cry yourself to sleep. Doom 3 blew me away with it's action, scaryness, and suspense. Half Life 2 blew me away with it gameplay, physics, and NPC interaction, and the list goes on. They are both excellent games but, Half Life 2 does not set anything new, as Half Life did. That doesn't mean it's bad. I won't compare them because it's like comparing gay guys to straight guys. Yeah, they may have similarities, but have nothing to do with one another.

Note: F.E.A.R. will either, own, or... pwn. Can't wait for it!
D00M 3 pwns HL2.

Why? D3 doesn't have stupid rediculous bullshit requirements to play it.

zamardii said:
Half Life 2 (basically) has no story. You will know that when you complete it. The story will be in Half Life 3. I hate it when people compare Doom 3 to Half Life 2. No point. Why? Because they're two totally different types of games, built for two totally different reasons. Doom 3 is by FAR a better technological achievement than Half Life 2. If you don't agree, you should curl up in a corner, and cry yourself to sleep. Doom 3 blew me away with it's action, scaryness, and suspense. Half Life 2 blew me away with it gameplay, physics, and NPC interaction, and the list goes on. They are both excellent games but, Half Life 2 does not set anything new, as Half Life did. That doesn't mean it's bad. I won't compare them because it's like comparing gay guys to straight guys. Yeah, they may have similarities, but have nothing to do with one another.

Note: F.E.A.R. will either, own, or... pwn. Can't wait for it!


The jump from Doom2 to Doom3 is huge HUGE leap of improvement. Half-Life to Half-Life 2 is just updated textures and updated ai/physics. Barf.
Moose777 said:
D00M 3 pwns HL2.

Why? D3 doesn't have stupid rediculous bullshit requirements to play it.


Amen!. And also isn't stacked with a stupid hack/filth ridden game called Counter-Strike: Source.
Ricko said:
HL 2...has blown away all the competition...period. This game....has everything. Sure...there are some complaints...try to keep everyone happy. The game is not long enough and it is simply addicting! Doom in peace. What a dark and negative game that was...all this stupid satanic symbolism. It was simply way overdone to make up for a light wieght story line. Half life 2 is the thinkers game. It simply has it all. Like I said...Period.

hl2 is great and all but IM SICK OF KILLING HEADCRABS.. people whine and bitch about too many imps in doom3, well there are WAY MORE headcrabs in hl2 then there are imps in doom3 and it gets boring as hell
hl2 is great and all but IM SICK OF KILLING HEADCRABS.. people whine and bitch about too many imps in doom3, well there are WAY MORE headcrabs in hl2 then there are imps in doom3 and it gets boring as hell

Are you sure, I just got the bug bait, but seeing as I already completed Ravenholm, most of the headcrabs should have already been seen, and let me tell you this, there are many mroe imps than headcrabs.
Enrickey said:
Are you sure, I just got the bug bait, but seeing as I already completed Ravenholm, most of the headcrabs should have already been seen, and let me tell you this, there are many mroe imps than headcrabs.
Imps are way cooler than Headcrabs anyway, IMO.

At least an Imp is a worthy opponent, a Headcrab is little more than a nuisance (sp?).
zamardii said:
I hate it when people compare Doom 3 to Half Life 2. No point. Why? Because they're two totally different types of games, built for two totally different reasons.

Really? Totally different games? They are both from the same genre. How can two first person shooters be two totally different types of games? By that standard you couldn't compare anything.
How the heck are people not getting the story of HL2? Oh well there's like a 60% fail rate in my university's discrete math class and I have no idea how that's happening either. :rolleyes: I'm going to comment on d3 though, whether or not HL2 is good is another debate.

Diary of doom3:

Alright let's get this show on the road, nice boiler room. Interesting marines and PDA storyline. Devil just conquered satellite dude, that was funny. OH CRAP A MONSTER HEAD. ok cool that was kinda freaky, walk a few feet with the flashlight. OH CRAP A MONSTER POPPED OUT. ok walk a few feet, OMG A LUMBERING ZOMBIE THAT I CAN KILL WITH MY FLASHLIGHT IM SCARED. Ok woah a new boiler room, this one has STEAM. Alright, wow another damn imp popped out, I'm only 20 minutes into this and it's getting old. Lemmie guess, this wall moves when I walk past it. Yep. Ok ooo neat a new gun. Ok weird satanic cutscene that's not scary. Blah blah.

*flash farther into game*

Textures make entire world look like a satanic tupperware party now, going insane due to low ammunition. Want to shoot everything including all the people who are half-dead and wait to die until I get there. Old doctor guy is the worst voice actor ever, think he needs some ibuprofen or something. Monsters pop out every few feet now and teleport in but I dont care because my shotgun's ridiculous. Tedium's making me slump in my chair. This is too easy, I've died just a few times. Someone dunked my gun in dunkin donuts glaze, I'm sure of it.

*flash ahead to hell*

Hey look this is different! Oh wait I've played this before. Bowser's past the moving bricks and flaming floor etc etc. OH LOOK ITS BOWSER. hrmm cant throw him by tail. Oh good, I get to throw the rubix cube at him. This is awesome, what a bad game. Event Horizon did a better job with the whole crazy hell story than this and that was a crapass movie.

Immersive my ass... I was playing in the dark with studio headphones on I could hear every little squeal/scream.
InternationalHat said:
How the heck are people not getting the story of HL2? Oh well there's like a 60% fail rate in my university's discrete math class and I have no idea how that's happening either. :rolleyes: I'm going to comment on d3 though, whether or not HL2 is good is another debate.

Diary of doom3:

*cut for pointlessness and space*

Immersive my ass... I was playing in the dark with studio headphones on I could hear every little squeal/scream.
You know the exact same critism's could be applied to EVERY game. Hey, its my turn to teleport and something goes wrong. There's a surprise. Oh look, more headcrabs. And I could keep going on and on. BTW, I am enjoying HL2 a lot even though I got no clue why I needing to walk to this lab after the teleport goes bad.
I certainly dont think that can be applied to every game. There's a huge variety in HL, nothing's the same. Im not going to give any spoilers but the environment changes are radical. Even the original felt expansive and somewhat varied.

It also could not be said for the Fallout series where surprises were always random and interesting, where the story was appropriately created and unfolded by the player unlike doom3 where it kinda happened without you. You just had to shoot stuff to make it stop. I have not once felt like the Orkin Man in HL2 which is what doom3 was all about. "Eh mr marine there, we gotta cockroach problem, could ye come down here and get rid eh these imps too? Ok thanks."
InternationalHat said:
I certainly dont think that can be applied to every game. There's a huge variety in HL, nothing's the same. Im not going to give any spoilers but the environment changes are radical. Even the original felt expansive and somewhat varied.

It also could not be said for the Fallout series where surprises were always random and interesting, where the story was appropriately created and unfolded by the player unlike doom3 where it kinda happened without you. You just had to shoot stuff to make it stop. I have not once felt like the Orkin Man in HL2 which is what doom3 was all about. "Eh mr marine there, we gotta cockroach problem, could ye come down here and get rid eh these imps too? Ok thanks."
Maybe not your exact words, but that type of outlook and critism can be made to every game. And to quote you, "Eh mr scientist there, we gotta headcrab problem."
IMO the Hitman series is way more immersive and challenging than either doom3 or half life 2. especially if you play it on harder settings and try to do the missions and achieve a silent assassin rating. Lord knows that the story line is much better than Doom3 or HL2.