Doom 3 = I Need a F#$()*@ 6800GT!!


Mar 8, 2004
OK, at LONG LAST I have Doom 3 in my hot little hands and OMFG is this game incredible in every sense of the world. I've stopped playing to wait for the sun to go down so I can enjoy it fully in the dark.

But the realization of truth has hit me hard, my 9800pro just isn't gonna cut for what I wanna run this game at. Being as such, Im dying to get my hands on a 6800 GT somewhere out there as soon as possible. Does anyone know if any online retailers that have been restocking their GT's at a regular rate?

At this point, im desperate.
Egg's got 'em HERE sorry about the 40 bucks, though.. couldn't find them for less on short notice.
IceWind said:
OK, at LONG LAST I have Doom 3 in my hot little hands and OMFG is this game incredible in every sense of the world. I've stopped playing to wait for the sun to go down so I can enjoy it fully in the dark.

But the realization of truth has hit me hard, my 9800pro just isn't gonna cut for what I wanna run this game at. Being as such, Im dying to get my hands on a 6800 GT somewhere out there as soon as possible. Does anyone know if any online retailers that have been restocking their GT's at a regular rate?

At this point, im desperate.
your 9800 doesnt cut it? lol what settings are you running it at 1600x1200 ultra 4x AA 8x AF? lol i get fine framrates 800x600 high on a ti4600
I have a feeling your ti4600 can't do a lotta resource intensive shit that his 9800 can do.....
yea my system (see specs) gets mad slowdown when im in firefights in 1024X768 with med. details :\
and i just formatted last night :\
I was going to tell you to check compusa, they showed they had em in stock 2 days ago. I just checked it though, and in the spot where it usually says "sold out" or "preorder only or "In Stock", it just says "N/A". What the hell does that mean? Glad I bought mine a month ago, before everyone got a hard-on for these cards.
I'll sell you me new BFG 6800 GT for $475 shipping... pm me if you want it.. never used.. got it from frys but ive been waiting for my processor to come in so didnt bother installing it
Jonboi89 said:
your 9800 doesnt cut it? lol what settings are you running it at 1600x1200 ultra 4x AA 8x AF? lol i get fine framrates 800x600 high on a ti4600

System specs plz :)
check, that is Fry's Electronics online store... they have had tons on the shelves for awhile...
yes with that 128mb card you need to run in medium IQ; my 6800 nu will stutter in High IQ b/c its paging the textures onto the cards memory frequently
My Main Rig runs it fantastic, and thats without the ati hotfix! Heres what im running at:

High Detail

yeah, thats about it, been thinking of getting a 6800GT too. Those cards are very tasty, and are faster then the X800 XT in Doom 3. But the 9800 Pro runs it just fine, havent tried it with the other two yet. Hmmm....Makes me wanna build an Athlon 64 3800+ system with a 6800 no, im waiting for a desktop Pentium M.
You can find them HERE Right now as well. Probably be sold out in minutes. Hope you can type CC #'s at 60wpm.
yevaud said:
Crap, that's $3 bucks less than I paid for mine. I KNEW I should have waited.
Seriously, yall, U better be clicking like a caffinated cracker on these links before they're gone.

$20 says that the card isnt in stock even though the website is showing it is.

I ran into that problem with several sites. I ordered a GT when it said it was in stock only to get an email the next day with them apologizing but blah, blah, blah.... excuses, excuses...
i have doom 3 sitting 4 inches from me .... and my 6800 and my 1GB of ram are in some shitty warehouse in tennessee :(
I have a brand new unopened xfx 6800gt for sale. $415 shipped. PM me if your interested.
My Radeon 9800 non-pro handles everything Doom 3 throws at it in 1024x768 High with no AA.

I'm averaging 45 FPS even in mad firefights.
All effects on.

If I put 2x AA on, during firefights, I might go down to about 25-30 FPS avg but it's still smooth.
Running high detail, 1024x768, with surround. My BFG 5900nu is just eating D3 up, no hiccups, no slow downs, just running perfectly smooth. I'm sure nVidia's latest and greatest 61.77 drivers have something to do with it.
Badger_sly said:
Running high detail, 1024x768, with surround. My BFG 5900nu is just eating D3 up, no hiccups, no slow downs, just running perfectly smooth. I'm sure nVidia's latest and greatest 61.77 drivers have something to do with it.

timedemo demo1

Report back soldier!
My friends and I all picked up 6800GTs from compusa with no issue for $399.
Hopefully yours will work better than mine.. looks like im trying to play on a voodo 3 2000 or something.... Very choppy with minimal settings, I think ill try the timedemo and see what happens however....

Any ideas on why its running like shit, since we seem to have several 6800 guys here?
I'm sorry I'm new at this. What is so special with the Gainward they are selling at zipzoom from any of the other 6800's ?
V0ltage said:
yea my system (see specs) gets mad slowdown when im in firefights in 1024X768 with med. details :\
and i just formatted last night :\

Dude, we have almost identical systems. I'm getting perfect framerates at 1280x1024 on HIGH. Something's wrong here.
huh, I am currently playing doom 3 with a 9800 pro at 1280X1024
8x Af at medium details and the game plays smoothly

the game still looks good,
even my bro's 9700 pro plays the game smoothly at the same settings as i am

seeing that the game plays very good on these cars, had made me put off the a video card purchase until the next series of cards come out
IceWind said:
OK, at LONG LAST I have Doom 3 in my hot little hands and OMFG is this game incredible in every sense of the world. I've stopped playing to wait for the sun to go down so I can enjoy it fully in the dark.

But the realization of truth has hit me hard, my 9800pro just isn't gonna cut for what I wanna run this game at. Being as such, Im dying to get my hands on a 6800 GT somewhere out there as soon as possible. Does anyone know if any online retailers that have been restocking their GT's at a regular rate?

At this point, im desperate.

its a lie dude

my x800 is buried at 60 fps at 1280 high settings 2xaa...all day long..
xgalaxy said:
I'm sorry I'm new at this. What is so special with the Gainward they are selling at zipzoom from any of the other 6800's ?

it golden sample is overclock whit no prob!!!
that why gainward make great card!! :eek:
killermmn said:
it golden sample is overclock whit no prob!!!
that why gainward make great card!! :eek:

This doesn't really answer my question. =/ I'm sorry I'm kind of playing stupid here. I've heard that the Golden Sample's for the GT are shipping without the dual fans, aka basically a reference design board.

I was thinking of ordering one from zipzoom but I'm curious as to whether or not the problems with this particular card have been fixed. I would very much like to have the copper and dual fans but if I'm not going to get one, then there is no point in paying more for it.
the golden sample whit the expert tool you can have ultra speed whit no prob!!!
that one option you will have whit the gainward geforce 6800 gt golden sample!! :eek: :eek:

ps:gainward said the pcb red and dual are the standard for gainward,no green pcb whit the refence cooling!! :D
Wtf... some of you must have down syndrom

Specs in sig

I get PERFECT frame rates at 1024x768 high settings. I NEVER see slowdown.