Doom 3 Errors

Aug 11, 2004
I hate to make another Doom 3 thread, but hopefully this will get a quick response and then it can fall to the depths of the forums.


I'm getting these warnings imediately after loading a save file. For example, the autosave at the beginning of the Alpha Labs, like in my screen shot. As soon as the game is loaded, I press ~ to bring down the console and those 3 warnings are there. Why am I getting those warnings? Seems like I remember getting a similar problem in Quake 3 as well. I'm not running any mods, my DoomConfig file is unedited, and my AutoExec file shouldn't have anything in it that would cause this.

Does everybody get these warnings?

The pak003 file seems to be the pak file with all the sounds in it, and guisounds.wav is nowhere in that file. Should it be? This is weird. Oh and BTW, I'm not actually experiencing any problems that I'm aware of. No crashing, no sound/graphics problems. I'd just like to know why I'm getting these errors.
Still no idea? Could somebody do me a favor and see if guisounds.wav resides anywhere within their pak003 file? (To do so, I had to extract it as a folder and search that way. My search wouldn't pick up files while it was still in zipped form. *shrug*)
I've had those same errors with no problems. Not sure whats going on.
yeah, i get errors too (dunno if they're the same as yours).

But again--no crashes in the game. So maybe this is just "white noise" going on the in the background that doens't really matter anyway?
try getting a random sound and save it as guisound.wav and place it in that pak folder. :) fun to see what would happen eh?
