Donkey Kong Country Returns


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 29, 2006
I'm not really a Wii fan, I mainly play my PS3 but I must say this is a good game for a 2d platformer. It is difficult but the art style and graphics are impressive imo. Anyone else have this little gem yet?
If I ever buy a Wii there are two games I plan on getting. This is one of them.
The Wii is ok I guess, there are only a handful of games worth a damn imo. I have New SMB Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and DKC Returns now. Everything else I have gotten from Gamefly and none were worth the price of admission other than those 3.
Picked it up last week from Costco.

It's a ton of fun (moreso with 2 players). It feels VERY much like the original and has a lot of wow moments even in the first zone.

One little thing I like is how similar the first level of Returns is to the original (cave/house at the beginning for instance). Nostalgic, but not a full rehash.
seems like Nintendo is getting by on refreshes of its old games (nsmb, brawl, zelda, dkc, kirby, metroid, kart, etc).

i guess if it isn't broke, don't fix it. just create new stages and upgrade graphics and people will keep buying.
seems like Nintendo is getting by on refreshes of its old games (nsmb, brawl, zelda, dkc, kirby, metroid, kart, etc).

i guess if it isn't broke, don't fix it. just create new stages and upgrade graphics and people will keep buying.
Well I'd rather them stick with a formula that works rather than do what Sega did to Sonic. Hell even when they try to fix their mistake they still screw it up.
Same here PS3, I'd only want Wii for GoldeEye game.
Oh I take back what I said. 3 games on Wii that I want :p
It is rare that I'm happy to own a Wii, but Donkey Kong Country Returns is a game that does just that. Not only is it a great Wii game, it's one of the better platforming games that I've ever played. It takes the tried-and-true formula that the originals contained and polishes it up real shiny.

There are many collectables in each level and a whole host of new moves that are used in creative ways. The level design is also extremely creative. In one level you are riding on the back of a whale; another has you hiding behind cover as massive waves crash onto shore.

The difficulty level has also been amped up. It hearkens back to the 8-bit and 16-bit era when games were much more difficult by design and not by arbitrary monster closets. If you are on the fence but own a Wii, do it. You'll be happy.
The Wii is ok I guess, there are only a handful of games worth a damn imo. I have New SMB Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and DKC Returns now. Everything else I have gotten from Gamefly and none were worth the price of admission other than those 3.

Those are some of the best games on the system, but there are plenty of others worth looking into:

Super Smash Bros Brawl
Monster Hunter Tri
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Epic Mickey
No More Heroes
A Boy And His Blob

But anyhoo, DKCR is fantastic. Definitely one of the best platformers of recent memory. It joins the ranks of greatest platformer of all time, along with:

Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Meat Boy

My only complaints:

- bonus levels are repetitive and boring
- waggle to roll sucks, especially when doing time trials
- the fact that roll jumping is the fastest way of getting around, time trials are a tedious exercise in memorization and frustration (waggle)
My only complaints:

- bonus levels are repetitive and boring
- waggle to roll sucks, especially when doing time trials
- the fact that roll jumping is the fastest way of getting around, time trials are a tedious exercise in memorization and frustration (waggle)
Excellent observations and I agree. The time trials are ridiculous, but thankfully they aren't required.
seems like Nintendo is getting by on refreshes of its old games (nsmb, brawl, zelda, dkc, kirby, metroid, kart, etc).

i guess if it isn't broke, don't fix it. just create new stages and upgrade graphics and people will keep buying.

This is exactly why I love my Wii, the nintendo IPs. The 2d platformers and the 3d Galaxy games are much better than the linear interactive movies that other developers are comming out with.
I will probably pick it up soon. Looks really good.

That epic mickey game looks really cool as well.
I've been trying to play through without throwing the controller through the wall. HOLY SHIT ARE THE CONTROLS FRUSTRATING. I understand that Donkey Kong is an 800lb gorilla/ape/whatever but when I push forward on the gamepad and release I'm confused as to why he has to continue moving forward as if he's built up an extreme amount of momentum and can't just stop himself; did I miss the part of the story where Donkey Kong Country is set on a low-gravity planet? Can't we just do away with that lame quirky wannabe physics crap already?

The game is fun otherwise; I like the graphics and sound but they fucked up with the controls and that's why I have a foul mouth right now! Forget about trying to do any quick and precise moves in this game; 20% of the time it won't recognize when you shake the controller.

I'm guessing that if I want to get some special ending or collect some other crap I'm going to have to torture myself playing the time attacks.