Done with towers, want to replace it with a small micro-atx case.


Limp Gawd
Jan 18, 2003
I don't need a tower any more, I used to be all into hardcore desktop gaming but over the past years I have switched to doing everything on my HTPC. My desktop, the one actually at my desk, is now regulated more to surfing the web, downloading my photos, and playing MMOs and other things that generally require a mouse and keyboard.

So with that what is a tiny little micro atx sized case that I could get that would save me some space?

I don't need a dvd drive in there, if I do I will just get a slim usb unit and plug it in when needed. I would want space for 1 SSD and 1 regular hard drive. I would also need enough clearance for a low profile graphics card. No overclocking or anything like that so just a standard AMD cpu fan would be used.

What options do I have for space saving cases?
Have you considered going all the way down to an ITX system? Look in the SG05 thread and see if it's more to your liking.
You might also look at the Silverstone FT03 and Shuttle boxes.
You might also look at the Silverstone FT03 and Shuttle boxes.

I really enjoyed my modded SZ68R5. It was a champ.

Mini ITX is great for most applications as long as you're willing to make compromises here and there. But mATX is hard to beat for its versatility.

But I'd still recommend mini ITX. It's fun.
SH67H3 is great for this. Not only can it support a full size graphics card, it has a ton of features too. It can also hold a full 16gb or ram, and extra pci-e x4 slot if you use a slim graphics card. Has a pci-e port right on the mobo that supports wifi cards.