Dolphin browser HD v11

Does Dolphin have forward and back buttons on the menu now? That's one of the main reasons why I switched to Chrome. Also, I found Dolphin doesn't resize the text if I zoom in, whereas Chrome does that, even for Hardforum. Having said that, I really miss the slide for bookmarks capability on Dolphin as it seems all the other browsers don't seem to get this right.

Text scales with zooming here in Dolphin.
Does Dolphin have forward and back buttons on the menu now? That's one of the main reasons why I switched to Chrome. Also, I found Dolphin doesn't resize the text if I zoom in, whereas Chrome does that, even for Hardforum. Having said that, I really miss the slide for bookmarks capability on Dolphin as it seems all the other browsers don't seem to get this right.

Yes on all.
Also, I found Dolphin doesn't resize the text if I zoom in, whereas Chrome does that, even for Hardforum. Having said that, I really miss the slide for bookmarks capability on Dolphin as it seems all the other browsers don't seem to get this right.

This never worked on my phone with Chrome. Hardforum and a couple others were really screwed up. One post would be great huge letters then the very next post would be tiny letters that youd have to spread the page out to read. Some posts would have huge letter then the quoted text would be tiny. It was all screwed up and it really made Chrome unusable for me. Dolphin and the stock Galaxy browser are the only 2 browsers Ive found that display forums like [H] properly.