Does uploading use up your download limit?


Limp Gawd
Oct 21, 2007
I have a download limit of 12GB (i.e. bandwith) and was wondering that if when I upload stuff, do I use up from my 12GB?

Or is it when downloading and browsing websites only?

Depends on the connection. Assuming it's tcp, then yes uploading uses up some of your download. And by some, I mean very little. You are basically sending back ACK packets, which are trivial in size. However, depending on how much you are uploading ( and what you are uploading ), it can add up.
I checked somewhere else and it said 6GB upload can result in 2GB usage from download limit! Is that true!:eek:
I have Verizon's FiOS (Fiber Optic), which is 15MB download / 6MB, the latecy on FiOS is very good, I can upload a large .ISO to someone through FTP and have my download barely affected, meaning if I'm uploading at full 6Mbps, it'll sheer 1-1.5MB of my download VIA