Does this MP3 player exist?


Jun 29, 2005
Does there exist an MP3 player that has a USB input for playing music from a USB drive? Maybe it's a stupid question. I don't know. But it's a surprisingly hard thing to google.
I don't know of any PMP that does that, but most OEM and aftermarket car stereos with USB input can do it.
I have a 6GB Sandisk player that has a MicroSD slot so you can play media from that.
I have a 6GB Sandisk player that has a MicroSD slot so you can play media from that.

I have a GPS that can do that too and bought a 16GB SD card just for MP3s but it is slow to read all the songs so you can browse the list so not all that useful in the end. I ended up using the SD card in one of my cameras instead.
my toaster can play MP3s off a SD card ... but seriously, are you asking because you want one, or just want to know if one exists?

I'm just waiting for the day when there's a DAP (digital audio player) with 1TB internal flash memory for my FLAC files. Knowing my luck, by the time one does come out I'll be looking for a DAP with 4TB of internal storage.
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You just need to know the correct terms to search. Google "mp3 player with usb host", click first link, ???, profit.