Does the SecureConnect cable improve performance?


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2005
I've got a 74GB Raptor ready to be purchased, but it's just the drive, sans SecureConnect cable. My mobo came with the usual red SATA cable, but am wondering if I should be searching for a SecureConnect cable on eBay to use instead. Does it matter? I don't move my case around. At all. So other than the fact that it stays in the socket a little more firmly, what's the advantage?

Thanks for any clarification :)
That's it. The only advantage is a tighter connection, and I haven't found it to be a problem at all. I can pull with a small but reasonable force and wiggle around a bit without pulling the cable off. I suggest you try it with your drive and cable and see how it works for you before you decide to buy a cable.
