Does the Dell 2001FP Screen Door Effect look like this?

My 2001 FP didn't start out like that, but slowly it started creeping across the screen. Dell took it back.

i went through 2 of those 2001FP's before i finally got sick of it and i'm probably gonna get a 193P instead. but basicall if it doesn't bother you then you should keep it. why keep hunting for a problem when you don't have any?

at least for me the screen door effect meant for me that i would get a little dizzy looking at text/webpages. and i'm not one of those oldies that get dizzy playing fps's or something. i think that link above that talks about smudge is pretty good....b/c it looks like a little bit of moisture got smudged across the LCD. not that you can't read it but there's just or something dunno. regardless i got a 2001fp for 620 total and i thought it was a great value and it is... but the display has problems as i specified, the s-video composites can't be used for x-box or ps2 (not well anyways) and the usb hub is nice but just not worth the bad picture which is really the main thing you use it for.

all the more reason i'm going for a samsung 193p... now if i can only dig up $750 somewhere....
i notice i get the screen door effect when I use analog (VGA) on my dell 2000fp, but once I use digital (DVI), it looks perfect.
alberthkim said:
i went through 2 of those 2001FP's before i finally got sick of it and i'm probably gonna get a 193P instead. but basicall if it doesn't bother you then you should keep it. why keep hunting for a problem when you don't have any?

at least for me the screen door effect meant for me that i would get a little dizzy looking at text/webpages. and i'm not one of those oldies that get dizzy playing fps's or something. i think that link above that talks about smudge is pretty good....b/c it looks like a little bit of moisture got smudged across the LCD. not that you can't read it but there's just or something dunno. regardless i got a 2001fp for 620 total and i thought it was a great value and it is... but the display has problems as i specified, the s-video composites can't be used for x-box or ps2 (not well anyways) and the usb hub is nice but just not worth the bad picture which is really the main thing you use it for.

all the more reason i'm going for a samsung 193p... now if i can only dig up $750 somewhere....

why buy a 19" LCD that has the same native resolution as a 17" LCD?