Does the ATI Silencer 5 (Rev. 2) fit the X800 XL AGP?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
Does the ATI Silencer 5 (Rev. 2) fit the X800 XL AGP?
I know the NV Silencer 6 (Rev. 2) only works on the PCI-E version of the 6600GT, which is noted on the artic cooling site.
There isn't any mention of the ATI cooler not working on the X800 XL AGP, but I'd like to hear confirmation from someone before ordering.
The PCBs are different from what I know, and seeing how the X800XL AGP is a newly-released product, I doubt you'll find many others in the same shoes. Perhaps you can try contacting AC, maybe they'll know. Don't expect a reply because they're not known for answering emails. :p
Yes it works on agp or pci-e cards. I just got one last week and the box says it will fit either. It fit my 800xl agp just right. Takes about ten minutes to change out.
Peepaw said:
Yes it works on agp or pci-e cards. I just got one last week and the box says it will fit either. It fit my 800xl agp just right. Takes about ten minutes to change out.
Peepaw said:
Yes it works on agp or pci-e cards. I just got one last week and the box says it will fit either. It fit my 800xl agp just right. Takes about ten minutes to change out.

How can that be? The agp part is an inch longer than the pci-e version. Doesn't look like the ram sink will clear the system ram either. Are you sure :confused:
Raptor33 all I can say is what it says on the box and their website. I own a x800xl agp card and it fits just right. The box states that it fits agp/pci-e.
Peepaw said:
Raptor33 all I can say is what it says on the box and their website. I own a x800xl agp card and it fits just right. The box states that it fits agp/pci-e.
Thanks. The picture of it at Newegg didn't show that. gonna order one and thanks for the confirmation :)
Peepaw said:
Raptor33 all I can say is what it says on the box and their website. I own a x800xl agp card and it fits just right. The box states that it fits agp/pci-e.

Thanks for the waste of time and money, Peepaw. :(

I just received my ATI Silencer 5 rev 2 and it does not "fit just right". Oh sure, it can be installed on the X800XL AGP just fine, but the whole damn point of buying this cooler is for its "Direct Heat Exhaust System", and it's over an inch too short to reach the back of the case, so the heat just goes back into the case.

What am I supposed to do, rig a ghetto cardboard extension?

I might as well have bought the Zalman HSF. Pfffft.

Anybody want to buy this cooler off me? I live in the GTA.
hardBBQ said:
Thanks for the waste of time and money, Peepaw. :(

I just received my ATI Silencer 5 rev 2 and it does not "fit just right". Oh sure, it can be installed on the X800XL AGP just fine, but the whole damn point of buying this cooler is for its "Direct Heat Exhaust System", and it's over an inch too short to reach the back of the case, so the heat just goes back into the case.

What am I supposed to do, rig a ghetto cardboard extension?

I might as well have bought the Zalman HSF. Pfffft.

Anybody want to buy this cooler off me? I live in the GTA.

How did I waste your time and money for telling you what it said on the pkg.
Get real!!
Peepaw said:
I own a x800xl agp card and it fits just right.

I didn't pay attention to what it said on the box. I listened to actual user experience - yours.

By no stretch of the imagination is your quote accurate, because "fitting just right" means what it says. That's a valid statement for the PCI-E version perhaps. For the AGP version, the silencer is simply too short to reach the back of the case as is intended for this style of cooler, so it most certainly does not fit just right. It fits, but with that glaring shortcoming.
Well... you could make your own extension duct for it... out of duct tape :)

Sucks though...
hardBBQ said:
I didn't pay attention to what it said on the box. I listened to actual user experience - yours.

By no stretch of the imagination is your quote accurate, because "fitting just right" means what it says. That's a valid statement for the PCI-E version perhaps. For the AGP version, the silencer is simply too short to reach the back of the case as is intended for this style of cooler, so it most certainly does not fit just right. It fits, but with that glaring shortcoming.

If you had done some research on this cooler you would have known that the air exhaust stops an inch or so from the grill that comes with it. If you need it to match up exactly with the grill make an extention!!
I would have gladly told you just how it would fit if you had only taken a moment to ask.
I answered a question by EnderW and would have gladly done the same for you.
If it makes you feel better about your lack of research to jump on me then knock yourself out.
I had done research on this cooler, about a few weeks ago. There was very little information about this combo in the forums and on google because of how new the X800XL AGP was. I had decided not to buy this Silencer based on the pictures of the cooler alone that I saw. There was no documented user experience to definitively answer the issue.

One of the threads I was following on this forum was this one:

You'll notice no one gave an answer but you. And you said "Works like a charm and fit pefectly". Fits perfectly? Is that your idea of perfect?

Based on my interpretation of "perfect" and "fits just right", I thought I must have overlooked something in the pictures. I was thinking that maybe the heatsink position was adjustable. I had no hands-on experience, so who was I to second guess a forum member who said it would fit perfectly? Little did I know that you were exaggerating.

Do you not agree that the Silencer does not fit perfectly? On the X800XL AGP, it doesn't even fulfill the primary purpose of its design! How is that perfect?

So excuse me for calling you out on misleading advice, but that's exactly what it is.
Like I said earlier if you had asked I would have been more than happy to answer any and all questions you might have had. If it makes you feel better to try and make me look bad then by all means feel free to continue. :rolleyes:
Look, I made one post to protest your advice, and you're turning it into a whole argument.

Yes, I guess I should have gotten a clarification from you, but like I said, I felt I had no reason to after reading your words that the Silencer was a perfect fit. That's the point, really. It's not perfect, and I think you should've mentioned that the air doesn't exhaust out of the case like the damn thing is designed to do because it's too short on the AGP card. The cooler's main feature is its DHES, but you somehow justify completely disregarding that feature.

Instead of saying something like "sorry man, that DHES feature wasn't the main selling point for me personally so I didn't even think about that", you attack me and try to justify withholding an important piece of information like that, and stand by your description that it's "perfect". Unbelievable.

You don't think it's reasonable for me to have made that first post? You think I have a personal vendetta against you? Get over yourself. I made a comment criticizing your advice, and that's that. Nobody's perfect. How could I make you look bad if you simply acknowledged that your advice was a little misleading?

Enough of this. Now people have complete information of how this Silencer works with the AGP card.
hardBBQ said:
Look, I made one post to protest your advice, and you're turning it into a whole argument.

Yes, I guess I should have gotten a clarification from you, but like I said, I felt I had no reason to after reading your words that the Silencer was a perfect fit. That's the point, really. It's not perfect, and I think you should've mentioned that the air doesn't exhaust out of the case like the damn thing is designed to do because it's too short on the AGP card. The cooler's main feature is its DHES, but you somehow justify completely disregarding that feature.

Instead of saying something like "sorry man, that DHES feature wasn't the main selling point for me personally so I didn't even think about that", you attack me and try to justify withholding an important piece of information like that, and stand by your description that it's "perfect". Unbelievable.

You don't think it's reasonable for me to have made that first post? You think I have a personal vendetta against you? Get over yourself. I made a comment criticizing your advice, and that's that. Nobody's perfect. How could I make you look bad if you simply acknowledged that your advice was a little misleading?

Enough of this. Now people have complete information of how this Silencer works with the AGP card.

Like I stated earlier I did my research and I knew that the exhaust stopped an inch and a quarter from the grill. The cooler that comes on the ATI card exhausted toward the front and blowed directly into the incoming airstream from the front fans. Even if it doesn't match up with the grill it should do a better job of cooling than the stock one.
I have just finished making a box to extend the exhaust to the grill. Works good and looks good also.
As far as the GET OVER YOURSELF advice goes maybe you should try the same.
Have a good day.
I agree with PeePaw,
I think hardBBQ's words were a tad too harsh for his own mistake.
Hey, if my words are too harsh, then I'm completely willing to accept that my comments are construed that way and therefore apologize. I've made my feelings be known.
hardBBQ said:
Thanks for the waste of time and money, Peepaw. :(

I just received my ATI Silencer 5 rev 2 and it does not "fit just right". Oh sure, it can be installed on the X800XL AGP just fine, but the whole damn point of buying this cooler is for its "Direct Heat Exhaust System", and it's over an inch too short to reach the back of the case, so the heat just goes back into the case.

What am I supposed to do, rig a ghetto cardboard extension?

I might as well have bought the Zalman HSF. Pfffft.

Anybody want to buy this cooler off me? I live in the GTA.

Boy, am I glad I waited too be sure the thing fitted. Peepaw, you should have said that it did fit *but* it's too short to exit hot air out of the case like it's advertised to do. Keeping the hot exhaust *out* of the case is the only reason I would buy it in the first place. And I would have bought it on your confirmation that it did in fact, not only fit but WORK! Gotta agree with hardBBQ.
I guess I am the only person here on this board that can make a simple fix for this. Takes about ten minutes and about 25 cents worth of material. :eek:
I guess me thinking an old dummy like me can figure out that the duct stops short shurely these guys already know this. I guess I was wrong. :rolleyes:

PLEASE PLEASE don't anybody on this forum buy this cooler because Peepaw has one, loves it and made an extention for it.

One more time for the hard of hearing PLEASE don't get this cooler.

Have a nice day, Hell take two they are cheap.
Peepaw said:
I guess I am the only person here on this board that can make a simple fix for this. Takes about ten minutes and about 25 cents worth of material. :eek:
I guess me thinking an old dummy like me can figure out that the duct stops short shurely these guys already know this. I guess I was wrong. :rolleyes:

PLEASE PLEASE don't anybody on this forum buy this cooler because Peepaw has one, loves it and made an extention for it.

One more time for the hard of hearing PLEASE don't get this cooler.

Have a nice day, Hell take two they are cheap.

:) I feel this is all my fault >sob< I'm not going to slam ya for trying to help out. The cooler can be *augmented* to vent the exhaust out the case which is good and like you said, the stock cooler does pump hot air back into the case which is bad. Sry if I got alittle testy.
Q: Does the ATI Silencer 5 (Rev.2) fit the X800XL AGP?

A: Oh yeah, it fits perfectly!


By the way, when I said perfectly, I meant you also have to mod it out of the box to make it work like it's supposed to. But you should've known that already, because you should always know the answer to something you don't know about before you ask. Don't blame me for not including that little bit of info. After all, having the exhausted air go directly out of the case is not vital for someone looking to buy a cooler that exhausts air directly out of the case.

Since when does something fit perfectly and not require tape, cardboard, plastic bag, or other arts and crafts materials to give it that final personal touch of perfection?!
hardBBQ said:
Q: Does the ATI Silencer 5 (Rev.2) fit the X800XL AGP?

A: Oh yeah, it fits perfectly!


By the way, when I said perfectly, I meant you also have to mod it out of the box to make it work like it's supposed to. But you should've known that already, because you should always know the answer to something you don't know about before you ask. Don't blame me for not including that little bit of info. After all, having the exhausted air go directly out of the case is not vital for someone looking to buy a cooler that exhausts air directly out of the case.

Since when does something fit perfectly and not require tape, cardboard, plastic bag, or other arts and crafts materials to give it that final personal touch of perfection?!

I would tell you exactly what I think of your ignorance but this is neither the time or place for it.

Hehe, I can keep this up for as long as you can.

Two people in this thread who had decided to buy the cooler on your advice have stated that they were mislead by your advice. It's as simple as that. That's not to say the cooler is bad, but I would've like to know beforehand that a homemade fix was required for a shortcoming that undermined the primary feature of the product.

You're the one who needs to grow up if you take offense to having your advice be interpreted as incomplete and misleading and have that mentioned.

I made sarcastic remarks in my last message to counter your childish, patronizing, pitiful exaggeration that no one should buy the cooler because of the shortcoming you failed to mention.

If someone asks about the compatibility of this cooler, I will not say it "fits just right" and leave at that. That is a misleading answer, plain and simple. There's no need to insult the intelligence of people who have taken your word that it's "perfect" and "just right" to mean it works as it's supposed to out of the box.
BBQ Just drop it.
Their are other things that you could be doing to fix your problem other than Pissing people that you dont know off on an online fourm.
I'm going to drop it but he didn't come anywhere near pissing me off.
I didn't get to be the old fart I am today by worrying about the dumb $hit.
{NG}Fidel said:
BBQ Just drop it.
Their are other things that you could be doing to fix your problem other than Pissing people that you dont know off on an online fourm.

I have no problem. My problem was stated in the very first message I made, and I've dealt with it already. The resulting discussion was just an argument over Peepaw's refusal to acknowledge that his advice was incomplete and misleading.
Peepaw said:
I'm going to drop it but he didn't come anywhere near pissing me off.
I didn't get to be the old fart I am today by worrying about the dumb $hit.

Ahh, so the act of telling someone to fuck off in PM is indicative of a happy, cheerful person who doesn't take criticisms personally!
hardBBQ said:
Q: Does the ATI Silencer 5 (Rev.2) fit the X800XL AGP?

A: Oh yeah, it fits perfectly!


By the way, when I said perfectly, I meant you also have to mod it out of the box to make it work like it's supposed to. But you should've known that already, because you should always know the answer to something you don't know about before you ask. Don't blame me for not including that little bit of info. After all, having the exhausted air go directly out of the case is not vital for someone looking to buy a cooler that exhausts air directly out of the case.

Since when does something fit perfectly and not require tape, cardboard, plastic bag, or other arts and crafts materials to give it that final personal touch of perfection?!
Well said. Peepaw's statement of " fits just right" is somewhat misleading.

However, the gap when using the cooler on the AGP version, doesn't appear to have a large impact on cooling:

And as Peepaw has pointed out, it's easy to "extend" the cooler a little farther back.