Does it make sense to buy a monitor online (newegg, etc.) due to dead pixel risk?


Jan 13, 2005
I was thinking about buying the Hyundai Imagequest LD90+ but newegg only allows one to return a monitor with 8+ dead pixels, while Hyundai has a 5 or 6+ dead pixel return policy.

( I can't get this monitor in Canada and will ship it to a friend in the US 1st so if things go wrong I have to ship it across the border).
i got mine with one stuck green pixel, but i have more than gotten used to it and it's way off to the upper left side of the screen. It is scary with the return policy, but there's such a low chance that you'll get more than one stuck/dead pixel that I got mine from newegg. I bet if sounded pissed off enough to Hyundai about something, they'd replace it :p. Or just find something else you don't like about it....unfortunately, there will be some minor things you don't like about it AT FIRST (you'll get used to them.....i have)
That's the thing with LCD panels - you gotta rack up at least 8 pixels (generally, for 17" & over) before an exchange. I work Tech Support & always feel bad when Customers call in with 1 or 2 green etc pixels & I have to refer them to the T&Cs.

Now 1 white or 1 black is another story altogether - immediate exchange (generally).
i guess its a hit or miss.

i got one a couple weeks ago from newegg and the monitor is jacked up with smears and bleeding. i went straight to hyundai for an rma and am still awaiting my advanced replacement to be shipped :( i would have hoped they would ship quicker, but they tell me they will hand inspect a new unit so hopefully i get a good one.
just buy from dell
they have the best deals and best return policy
"just buy from dell
they have the best deals and best return policy"

I also agree.
Why would you want to take a chance of getting a monitor with a few stuck pixels right in the middle?
Dell will take it back.
Borealis said:
I also got my L90D+ my newegg, no dead pixels here either.

I am probably going to get that monitor at the end of the month but let's just say I did get a few dead pixels. Could I call newegg up and say "hey my backlight is screwed up" or something, meanwhile they send me a replacemant that has no dead pixels...