Do you use Adaptive AA when gaming or benchmarking?

Are you guys noticing any difference using Adaptive AA with your video card (besides the performance hit)?
I notice it more then anything, In all honesty if I could an AA that works on just the alpha's then I would pick that, seeing as those are generally what kills the IQ for me in games, and not so much AA
But what about benchmarking? Do you enable Adaptive AA then?
For example:
using 3D06, Fear benchmark, etc...:confused:
forgot to add benchmarking my bad

no, I don't enable it for things such as 3dmark, if i'm running a game and want to bench it with a run through then yea I do sometimes, but I mostly just enable 4xAA, instead of AQAA or APAA, and when I do enable it I see pretty dramatic results, in less performance that is
All the time except for benching 3DMarks. I leave it on when benching games because that's how I play the game, with it on.
I don't use it. I think the performance hit is too great on my card and IQ is minimal gain.
I always usa AD AA, TRMS AA at least. Depending on performance HQ TRSS AA if possible. :D
I have not even ever tried the Adaptive AA :eek:

Mayby I should look up some reviews with adaptive AA vs normal AA to see if there really is a difference.


Looked some up and indeed it seems to improve IQ in some cases considerably, but at 4x the adaptive AA seems to make too big of an performance hit, atleast with my x1900xtx :(
I have not even ever tried the Adaptive AA :eek:

Mayby I should look up some reviews with adaptive AA vs normal AA to see if there really is a difference.


Looked some up and indeed it seems to improve IQ in some cases considerably, but at 4x the adaptive AA seems to make too big of an performance hit, atleast with my x1900xtx :(

I just upgraded from an AIW 9700 Pro to an X1650 Pro, and have largely dialed up the detail (including adding MSAA to the mix, if the game supports it) as opposed to increased resolution (in two cases; specifically Guild Wars and Zero Hour, did I dial up both the detail *and* the resolution, and I'm not done even there, yet). For C&C Generals: Zero Hour, for example, I dialed up the resolution *and* the detail (I now play at 1280x960, the monitor's ceiling; the game does *not* support adaptive AA, every other detail setting is at the ceiling), so while in some cases I'm more CPU bound, in some cases, I'm actually now officially *monitor-bound*, rather than CPU or GPU-bound. (HL2: Lost Coast is a prime example of a CPU-bound game: I can practically consistently spit out right in the area of 30 fps with maxed detail even with HDR on, regardless of whether MSAA is enabled or not, but at 1024x768, and the game supports up to 6x MSAA). So apparently some games are more efficient in terms of MSAA than others; also, some *resolutions* may use MSAA more efficiently than others.
Have not used adaptive AA Just used plain old AA.May try it out to see what happens