Do you think AMD Pricing structure would collapse upon conroe release?

Do you think AMD Pricing structure would collapse upon conroe release?

  • Prices would plummet

    Votes: 39 28.3%
  • Prices would fall slightly

    Votes: 74 53.6%
  • No Effect

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • Who cares?!... AMD for life!!

    Votes: 18 13.0%

  • Total voters
pxc said:
Those 3 have pretty small price drops. Pricewatch currently has the 3000 for $101, 3200 for $120 and 3500 for $148. Only the 3500 appears on the May 23 price list and the other 2 are probably being discontinued anyways.,,30_118_609,00.html?redir=CPT301

Yeah, like these.

Athlon 64 FX-62 (socket AM2 only) $1,031
Athlon 64 4000+ $343
Athlon 64 FX-60 (socket 939 only)$827
Athlon 64 3800+ (socket AM2 and 939) $290
Athlon 64 3700+ $240
Athlon 64 3500+ (socket AM2 and 939) $189
Athlon 64 3500+ (Energy Efficient Small Form Factor) $231
mrbay said:
Athlon 64 3000 - $89
Athlon 64 3200 - $99
Athlon 64 3500 - $109
Athlon 64 3800 - $139

:eek: , swap the dollar signs with euro signs and that's exactly what they're going for here
as soon as conroe is released , DDR2 and intel chipset mobo prides will skyrocket
osalcido said:
as soon as conroe is released , DDR2 and intel chipset mobo prides will skyrocket

Conroe will, RAM will not. There will not be enough Conroes to flood the market and drive up the demand of RAM=P
I can honestly say I don't really care. I'm way more interested in what video card technology is coming as I don't think there's much software making full use of my x2 3800, let alone whatever else is coming down the pipe in the next year or two.
Guys AMD is in a transition With AM2 this gives them more headroom to improve on. AMD already stated that AM2 as it is now will not gain great performances and at best only see 5% or so. future chips however will differ with AM2 as it will scale up much better.

however I do see that AMD will need to lower there prices to stay completive. Also AMD is still the king on power usage/proformance and in the server market this can be a very big issue.
osalcido said:
as soon as conroe is released , DDR2 and intel chipset mobo prides will skyrocket

Please explain the intricate thinking process which led you to this conclusion. :rolleyes: