do you have a quad core processor?


Oct 24, 2004
do you? how is it compared to a dual core?
does everything runs faster? everything?

Programs have to be written or optimized for multi-core operation, as there are still programs / games that actually perform faster with a single-core environment. However, that number is rapidly dwindling as more and more programs are coded or recoded to take advantage of a multi-core environment.

It would be helpful if you would also post what you are referring to. Games, Encoding, Adobe / Photoshop, etc, etc, etc...

Bottom line, everything is going the way of multi-core. Performance is evolving as well to take advantage of this.
HyperTension thanks for reply.
i want to know in general, more interested in open/close applications, display internet pages speed, games is last. how fast is computer boot, all.
anyone else?

yeah, I've seen the benchmarks, today, the extra performance 4 cores offers over 2 is minimal, the gaming benchmarks prooved that the extra 300MHz the X6800 has over the QX6700, made it better.

In terms of other forms of performance, I could see some forms of multitasking taking advantage of so many cores, however in these cases to see a real performance benifit 4 gigs of ram might be needed.
I am going to get a quad core as soon as the prices come down, simply because I run folding@home and the more cores the better.
You give him fish he can eat for a day. If you teach him how to fish he can eat for a life time.
Marvelous that made me laugh...

Loading apps in windows after login is definitely faster because you have four different apps being loaded instead of 1 after the other or 2 after the other 2. I see my icons load up 4 at a time down the bottom right of my screen. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside..

I stepped up from a P4 3.4GHz Socket478 to my QX6700 and I'm loving it. Normal apps don't seem to run that much faster, which makes sense due to the similar clock speed but everything just feels smoother. Stuff my computer does in the background no longer affects what I am currently working on and rendering video has improved in a MASSIVE way. As has zipping/unzipping multiple files at once and photoshop feels a lot faster too.

Its hard to explain. Its not a normal speed increase like you used to feel with the old P4's. It feels faster, but its a different faster.

My HDDs really feel like the bottleneck now. I feel as though my CPU hasn't really had a chance to stretch its legs yet. Programmers need to pull their fingers out.
Unless you're using multi-threaded programs you won't see a difference. There is no "feel" difference between an E6700 and a QX6700, and yes I do own both.
JVC said:
ThermoNuke, if u don't have anything positive to say, say nothing.

It was positive. You know how many comparison reviews exist out there on that danged 'ol interweb?
All your answers lie Here.

God I hate this answer:rolleyes:. He is on a message forum, and he asked a decent question, so he deserves a decent answer;). He could use the search funtion, YES, but even if he didn't, O-WELL.......

The difference between quad core, and dual core ALL DEPENDS ON HOW THE PROGRAM WAS CODED. As of right now, I would have to say most programs would actually run faster on a dual core X6800, as apposed to a Q6600, due to the higher clock speed on the X6800. Now if you have, lets say a program that can use all 4 cores, then OF COURSE the Q6600 will be MUCH faster. If your in the market to buy a chip, wait 4-6 more weeks to have the new intel price cuts take in affect, and snag up the Q6600 for around 500.00
God I hate this answer:rolleyes:. He is on a message forum, and he asked a decent question, so he deserves a decent answer;). He could use the search funtion, YES, but even if he didn't, O-WELL.......

The difference between quad core, and dual core ALL DEPENDS ON HOW THE PROGRAM WAS CODED. As of right now, I would have to say most programs would actually run faster on a dual core X6800, as apposed to a Q6600, due to the higher clock speed on the X6800. Now if you have, lets say a program that can use all 4 cores, then OF COURSE the Q6600 will be MUCH faster. If your in the market to buy a chip, wait 4-6 more weeks to have the new intel price cuts take in affect, and snag up the Q6600 for around 500.00
I know I know. I was in a smart assed mood at the time. But to be truthful it would be easier to get his answers from a multitude of sites instead of just here. Not a whole lot of [H] members have Q-cores. Some benchies would be the best thing to answer his question.
I know I know. I was in a smart assed mood at the time. But to be truthful it would be easier to get his answers from a multitude of sites instead of just here. Not a whole lot of [H] members have Q-cores. Some benchies would be the best thing to answer his question.

Now thats a nicer attitude ;)