Do the 7950GX2's suffer from the "7900 series plague?"


Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2005
I have a last minute question before I buy a x1900xt(x) and dump my SLI board.

I recently built a computer using a 7900GTX, which was defective- it had the same symptoms that many other people experienced, blue screening, freezing/artifacting in the Deep Freeze test, and flashing screen. I RMA'ed it and sold the replacement card.

I'm feeling really burned by Nvidia at this point and am just one step away from buying all ATI parts (card and crossfire motherboard.) However, I can't ignore the speed of the 7950GX2's. I'm wondering if anyone (even one person) has experienced the same 7900 death symptoms with a 7950GX2, or if Nvidia got their er, "stuff" together and released a card that actually works. If these cards are issue-free, I might re-think my replacement plan.

I've been looking for 7950GX2 complain threads, and have not been able to find any, if that means anything.

We'll I've had one 7950GX2 for a couple of weeks and just got my second yesterday, and all I can say is that they have been fast and stable.

Thy generate some heat, so you want good cooling.

QUAD-SLI actually seems to work in some games and is stable even. Single card was stable as well.

I think these are great cards. So do a few others. All the reviews have been very positive.
heatlesssun said:
We'll I've had one 7950GX2 for a couple of weeks and just got my second yesterday, and all I can say is that they have been fast and stable.

Thy generate some heat, so you want good cooling.

QUAD-SLI actually seems to work in some games and is stable even. Single card was stable as well.

I think these are great cards. So do a few others. All the reviews have been very positive.

All the reviews have been positive except driverheaven's. Or at least their results. Totally screwed up. They have a single X1900XT beating the single GX2 in almost every graph.

W T F :confused:
Driver heavens basically an ati fan site. They are pretty much full of shit most of the time, i own an x1900 and i wouldn't trust any of thier reviews since they do so much ati asskissing.
do you need a dual 16x motherboard to run two of those cards or you could you just have a regular 8x8 board?

also from what i understand 1 of them is = to 2x 7900gtxs ?

last question...aftermarket cooling? waterblocks or nada because of the dual pcb?
There are people running two of them in 8x8 boards.

AFAIK you can forget aftermarket coolers with them. Though maybe anything is possible if you feel like risking surgery.
I think the best you can do is position extra fans in the case near them. the dual pcb board design would require you to take apart the two boards to modify the cooling. Not something I would do with a ~$600 card.
perhaps i'll have to look into buying one.

somehow 7800gts don't seem so special anymore
m1abram said:
I think the best you can do is position extra fans in the case near them. the dual pcb board design would require you to take apart the two boards to modify the cooling. Not something I would do with a ~$600 card.
I used an internal 120mm fan and cardboard to help direct intake air to the card's fans. Using a 60mm fan on the case's vents above the cards and more cardboard I made a custom exhaust too. All my fans are on controllers tuned to be very quiet.

In a completely closed P180 my 7950 peaks at 63C playing FEAR, and the rest of the system doesn't get heated by the card either.

This should be available soon:;action=display;num=1149693736
Supposedly theres a new VIVO version of the XFX 7900GTX that has no problems....I tested mine for an hour and it worked fine.
I'm good with one 7900GT for now... it gets things done for what I use it for... I can't wait for DX10 & stuff.. maybe then i'll get one of these 7950's when i can afford em. haha!!
I've not had any problems with my 7950gx2 either. I've also overclocked it quite a bit, and played bf2 for a long while wit not issues. I didn't notice much difference cause i only went up like 70gpu and 100mem, but still. If i had some watercooling, maybe :)

but no, no problems similar to 7900gt issues. love the card