Do LCD displays need screensavers?


Oct 17, 2005
If I were to leave the same image on my CRT for a long long time it would eventually mess up the colors. Does this happen with an LCD? Do I need to worry about certain areas staying the same?

Well on a CRT you would eventually get screen burn. You would be able to see the image you left on the screen all the time. It generally won't mess up the colors you would just have a stupid after image stuck on the screen.

I'm kinda interested in this question because I really don't know. I don't know what causes screen burn on a CRT in the first place so I can't even speculate. Cool I'm gonna watch this thread and find out.
For longevity less use on a LCD is always better.
In other words just turn the monitor off or set your machine to 'turn off monitor' after 'x' minutes.
ive just got the standard one to come on after 40 mins, i always switch off the monitor when im not using it so its never really been a problem for me.
I asked some people at work and the consensus is that it's the phospherus in the CRT what makes them screen burn. An LCD doesnt have that so it wouldnt burn but I agree about just having an LCD just shut off after X minutes.
ethos747474nikon8989 said:
I asked some people at work and the consensus is that it's the phospherus in the CRT what makes them screen burn. An LCD doesnt have that so it wouldnt burn but I agree about just having an LCD just shut off after X minutes.

I beg to differ. I saw a fair share of LCD with struck pixels after letting the same picture on for 24/7. you can clearly notice a pattern where the icons and taskbar is.

Best advice, like said by some ppl here, is to turn off when not in use or let APM put it in sleep mode after X minutes.
even crts didnt need screensavers, really. You would have to have left the same image running for weeks to have any kind of burn in.

lcds dont suffer burn in, afaik, lesser quality screens will suffer image persistence which in time will go away if you turn the unit off, etc. again, the length of time required to actually see this is so substantial you shouldnt ever realistically have to deal with it.
Screen saver is better than not. It helps get rid of the image persistence. I've noticed that even if you turn off the LCD, the image persistence stays.
larken said:
Screen saver is better than not. It helps get rid of the image persistence. I've noticed that even if you turn off the LCD, the image persistence stays.

If you are dealing with any image persistence on an lcd, you should look into getting a better quality monitor, its that simple.
Image persistence is a bit of a problem on the 2005 fpw. I had left memtest on overnight and forgot to turn off the monitor. It becomes very noticable on lighter colored backdrops etc. Just run a white screensaver for 30 minutes and the problem will rectify itself.

I've read that LCDs can also suffer burn in from the plastics in the color filtering aging at different rates from the uv light emitted by the backlight (like a car left out in the sun for a long period of time) It doesn't make a lot of sense to me because I believe the colour filters come before the lcd panel, i.e. they recieve nearly uniform amounts of light and the amount of UV light emitted by the flourescent backlights is rather trivial compared to sunlight so I would imagine this only affects screens with really cheap filters or is just plain false.
Actually it happens on all my dell lcds and the apple cinema display. The task bar has persistence because it stays there no matter what. Not unless i play games or something it won't get refreshed. That isn't really a problem anyway since it's only the task bar, the rest of screen does not exhibit the same problem.
I have no idea of the quality of LCDs in ThinkPad’s but when I worked at Intel I saw a few with horrible "burn" or "persistence"
Well playing games like world of warcraft, your toolbar and health bar are going to pretty much stay there for months not weeks lol.
yup, see them get burn-in at work before, depending on the screens it goes away eventually
sounds like DLP is the only display type that doesnt suffer from some kind of burn in.. :confused:

unless the little mirrors can get stuck.. man that would suck. :p
I've used my Samsung 940b LCD for about 4 months now and have never encountered burn in. I've left game menus open for several hours, etc. I do use a 5 min screensaver, but that's only on the desktop. I've never encountered burn in with my CRTs either, although I have seen some badly burnt in ones (not mine). Honestly I think that people with bad image persistence/ burn in either have a bad monitor or don't take care of their displays.
Actually in the one case I've seen (the guy who played WoW) he was playing it practically non stop for 24 hour periods. I mean it was insane as in get a frickin life insane.
The technicians (my neighbor) answer, a "modern CRT" does not have a chance to burn in an image, technically it's image is always getting refreshed, repainted, re-scanned, however you want to put it. If your CRT gets burn in then you have a cheap CRT without the modern technology that has been developed in what, the last 8 years.
An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) however, does have the chance to get burn in, if the crystals aren't changed once in while, they want to stay the color and shape they are in but to do this you would have to leave it on the same screen 24 hours a day for many days. I don't know about you but I don't want to pay the power bill for that kind of convienience of having my system on and at the ready within a few seconds time.
Now, info from Samsung says that if I leave the power button on my monitor on, even if there's no picture on the screen, the life expectancy of the power supply is about 2 1/2 years. However, if I turn it off and on (by the power button, not power manager in the system), using it a total of 12 hours a day, the power supply is expected to last around 7 years. That's enough convincing to make me shut it off by the power button when I'm not using it. As far as a screen saver for if you're just away for 30 minutes at a time, yes, but use the one that says Blank or as suggested, the one that shuts the power off to the feed, after a period of time you prefer.
I might be the WoW player mentioned. I first posted about my problem here:

I think I was averaging about 10 or 11 hours of WoW per day. Day after day, week after week, month after month, for about half a year. Apparently it really took its toll on my poor monitor. I have since quit playing WoW (for other reasons), and the image persistence from the game is slowly fading, although I still have the same distortions (see other thread) which don't seem to correspond to any static image. So who knows what kind of damage the panel has sustained. I seriously doubt it's ever gonna be the same (as new) again.

By pure coincidence I recently got a VP191b at work to use, and big surprise, it doesn't show a single trace of image persistence. However it does have a few dead/stuck pixels. I honestly don't know which is worse... sigh.
BriSleep said:
The technicians (my neighbor) answer, a "modern CRT" does not have a chance to burn in an image, technically it's image is always getting refreshed, repainted, re-scanned,

All crts do this at there set refresh rate, i have heard of plasmas shifting pixels around to avoid burn but I don’t think a analog crt could do that with out making the entire picture squirm :confused: