Do I really need the 9800X2?

Oh god its his chart again. If I see that thing one more time I'm going to murder someone in the face.
I'm seeing a pattern with your posts too -- unrealistic numbers. Try 30%. Period. In the few situations where it's any faster than that the GTX/Ultra is already running the app so fast that it really doesn't matter anymore -- 98 to 140 FPS? Good luck telling the difference.
Your right, we shouldn't have to keep bringing people up to speed on the facts...

My money says he can't defend the '30% Period' over the Ultra.

I can however defend mine! Sorry if you had to see the numbers again.
Good luck finding multiple sources to confirm those numbers.

I also suspect that they're with different driver revisions. Most sites I've seen, including the [H], tend to run the 8800s on 169.xx and the 9800GX2 on 174.xx. Hardly comparable.
I would be happy to see your numbers...

I love a good read.

If we threw Word in Conflict out, the average would be even higher.
I have a MSI NX8800 Ultra OC Edition as seen on the HardOCP and i can play any game out there at max settings on my 22" widescreen at 1920x1050. I love my rig. I was looking at the 9800GX2 but there is no point really in upgrading for me, i think the same for anyone that has a GTX or similar card.
Ujesh Desri nVidia's GeForce General Manager speaking about the GX2.

"We are seeing up to 100% faster than an 8800 GTX"
Granted, not the Ultra, but the Ultra wasen't 70% faster than the 8800 GTX.

Would you like more info? I have an easier case to make given the info on the net.

We won't even talk about Fud reporting 65% faster than the Ultra...
I don't need the link, and don't want to get ripped! :)

My only point is we have seen better than 30% period.
Better be careful posting stuff like Nvidia employees statements as proof. It will get you labelled a ranting and raving fanboy very quickly. Generally speaking the company who makes the card and wants you to buy their card isn't a really reliable source.
Still waiting for yours... If you want to defend the '30% Period'.

It simply was low. I just need numbers.
Wow? They're seeing up to 100% scaling -- doubtless in very, very rare situations with apps pretty much built for scaling? 2 GPUs vs. 1? From what is effectively a pair of cards that proved to be individually on the same level as a GTX, sometimes slower, sometimes slightly faster? What a shock.

You're misunderstanding me. Perhaps willfully, perhaps unintentionally. I'm saying the GTX and Ultra are faster, not than both GPUs on the 9800GX2, but faster than one of them, and in many cases as fast as and sometimes faster than both of them. SLI'd GTXs or Ultras, always faster. Especially at higher resolutions.

I never said "the 9800GX2 sucks". I've recommended it in several builds here already. I'm just saying it's not magic, nor is it the fastest 2 GPU config currently available, nor is it the best you can do for $600 /if/ you're willing to deal with a Nvidia chipset... which many aren't, and I understand that.
My bad.. I did think you were saying 1 GX2 was only 30% faster than 1 Ultra.

Sorry. ;)
I was wondering if I really need the 9800X2 for games like CoD4 at 1600x1050, and of course future upcoming games. It sounds so good but should I just get the G92 8800 GTS cause my resolution isn't that high?

meh... id wait for next gen.. a 8800GT should do COD4 @1680... upgrade when there are games you want to play released... you should even be able to play them at least... id say upgrade when YOU notice performance lag..
The 8800 GTS 512MB (or the upcomming 9800GTX) would be ideal at 1680x1050. There is no reason to even consider the 9800GX2 unless you're running 1920x1200 or higher.

sure there is... e-peen ... der.. stupid :p:p:p

the e-peen factor of this card (esp in quad sli) are beyond the likes we've ever seen before...
Thats a hell of a right hook. But ya, i decided i'm just going to save my 500 bucks and stick with my GTS512 SLI setup.
Thats a hell of a right hook. But ya, i decided i'm just going to save my 500 bucks and stick with my GTS512 SLI setup.

Yeah, I don't see a point of moving onto a 9800GX2 if you've already got 8800GTS SLI, unless you wanted quad sli, lol.
While it was developed over 4 years, you have your timelines incorrect. there are not 4 years between each generation. the GT200 or whatever the real next-get GPU is has already been in development for years. and the GT400 of whatever comes after is already in development.

Moore's law, every 18 months.... well we're at 18 months and I still stand by the opionin that the GX2 is a step backwards in terms of technology. While it may squeek out more performance on certain apps, we're droped memory lanes, they had to add 2 newer GPU's just to reach the level of performance the single 8800GTX delivered nearly 2 years ago.

And when it comes to technology, standing still is the same thing as going backwards... and by that, coming out with fractional improvements but calling it next gen, on the same GPU so really "doing nothing" it's standing still... while technology leaves you behind. The point is, there is definitly something REAL coming from Nvidia... and it's NOT 4 years away from now. it's less then 1 year.

The GX2 was just a way to buy time because Nvidia missed their chipset deadline and intel & AMD delayed their chipsets & CPU's... so Nvidia is idle.

Thinking now... didn't Nvidia come out with an internal policy to refresh their products on an even more agressive law then Moore? wasn't it like every 6 or 9 months? What happened to that law which just came into play at the 8800 launch?

Thats true, but i don´t agree that 30% + performace is backwards or even stading still mainly because i don´t expect gigant leap with every generation and Gx2 is faster than 8800GTX OC by at least 30% and G92 GTS is on par with G80 GTX so i don´t se why a multi GPU solution is a step backwards since multi GPU is the future and the dropped memorylane just shaved cost but didn´t harm performance when a G92 GTS is as good as its G80 GTX. Also the new Gx2 ARE cheaper than the old Ultra AND faster so why cry over "only" 30% and that is hardly standing still, you must be very spoild by even thinking that.
Then you have to see it from Nvidias point of view: Why push it forwards to mutch when ATI is nowhere to be found on the map and show what you really been doing the last 16 month when you can save that for later when it is needed?
There is also only THE game that demands more than current cards can deliver or Gx2 can deliver just that in quad Sli.

I agree thou that it is not what is expected by the people that expect another "8800GTX". But in my opinion they are just expect to mutch every time and that after only 16 month G80 came out and what say that GT200 will be another 8800GTX? why not the next card that come after that and that GT200 is just a hold over card until the killer is ready or ATI is back in the game for real?
so the GTS performance on par with a GTX?
In some games it is even faster and some slower and the G92 GTS OC way better and therefore keep up way too good. GTX is not a monster anymore, just a expensive solution with costly 384-bit memorybandwith compare to the cheap 256-bit bus on the G92 GTS that keep up way too good with the older monster. Sure you can find a rewiev that don´t say so and one that say so so using them for "proof" is useless since you can find what you want and turn it how you want depending on your agenda.
I just upgraded to a GTX and could not be happier. Was going to do a Stepup to a GX2 but after looking at Hards reviews and some others of the GX2 for me it looks to be a waste. I'm just going to stay with my GTX and see what nVidia might have to offer when their true next gen card rolls out.
Cant go wrong with that decision. I moved over and honestly do see some improvement in the games I do play.