Do I need ZoneLabs on each clinet?


Oct 15, 2002
At my work we are running MS Server 2003 on our new server. I don't think there's any sort of software firewall on it nor is there any REAL firewall before it's DSL connection to the outside world. I know that Server 2003 is a bit more secure that 2000 was but do you think it's necessary to run a software firewall on each of the clinet machines that connect to it? Is there a way to configure the server to to all the firewall needs of the network and thus not require all the clinet to have to run this additional overhead? BTW, we really don't have a dedicated network administrator -I'm it. It's a pretty small office though...

Any help would be awesome.
Windows 2003 can act as a NAT based router which sounds like the setup you have there. Unless there is a need for *outbound* protection then the client systems are relatively secure from any outside intrusion.

You may want to run some security tests from GRC or other similar sites to see if you have any open ports.
SJConsultant said:
Windows 2003 can act as a NAT based router which sounds like the setup you have there. Unless there is a need for *outbound* protection then the client systems are relatively secure from any outside intrusion.

You may want to run some security tests from GRC or other similar sites to see if you have any open ports.

Awesome suggestion to check out GRC! It looks like I passed with flying colors. What an incredible site that is. I'm going to see what other sites I can find for checking this out...