Do all LCDs have this effect? (short video)

That kinda makes me wonder.. Why don't they put something in front of that so you can't push on it... Would make it a shitload easier to clean off with out the paranoia of damaging it. Of course I have no depth perception, so that doesn't help. :D
Dude... just wipe it softly with something to clean it, no pushing required... AT ALL.
All LCDs are made from LIQUID CRYSTALS, so don't press into your screen or it will be very dirty, or you can damage it PERMANENTLY without chance to repair it!
This effect have all LCD displays, not only computer LCD monitors.
You should push on your lcd screen regularly, if it doesnt bounce back then you may have a problem with it.

Try pushing in all of the corners first, then the middle, pressing harder the ripple should get bigger and if it doesnt return to normal squish your entire hand on it firmly then harder until you can see your full hand print rippling this will help smooth out the liquid in the display you dont want any air bubbles to show up. Once a day should be fine to keep it in top notch condition.

:D :D :D :D :D
All of the screen pushing is likely to leave some fingerprints, no problem just get some pure ammonia or mineral spirits work good to. That will clean those fingerprints right up!!

:D :D :D
All of the screen pushing is likely to leave some fingerprints, no problem just get some pure ammonia or mineral spirits work good to. That will clean those fingerprints right up!!

:D :D :D
or you can use damp sponge, im just using this to clean my monitor;)