DNS & web hosting..need a solution

  • Thread starter Deleted member 12106
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Deleted member 12106

Basically, where we have our stuff currently hosted, takes care of our website, mx records, and hosts our DNS. Dealing with them has been meh at best.

We are getting our website revamped, and the sales/marketing team took it upon themselves to enter in a contract with our website design firm to host the web page.

I don't like this.

Basically, I am looking for other options in terms of hosting, who would you guys recommend for everything? If one thing moves, I'd like everything to move. The ability to edit DNS, MX, a names, etc would be helpful, along with being able to maintain the content of our website.

Need reliable, fast response time.
Oh and I need cpanel, mysql, ftp, and php5.
Your legally binded to a contract, your screwed

Apparently no one gave the company the OK to go forward with the hosting. They talked about it, according to sales, then the company sent an invoice. Then, they figured what the hell, lets do it. We can get out of it.

It's a pita to deal with these sales people...
Dont use 1and1...lots use them, but they are not great at all.

Personally I have really been happy with www.site5.com

I host my domains at godaddy and then point them to the site5 DNS servers. Site5 allows editing of the DNS Zone files which is where the MX records, a names, etc. are all located.
DynDNS for DNS, must have. With MailHop, their MX failover.
I've always used Dreamhost, which has been fine for me. However, there are plenty of bad reviews too.
I've been looking at MediaTemple and MidPhase.
I made a post and was steered towards Site5 and haven't looked back. Highly recommend it.
I had Dreamhost. Now, I was on one of the basic plans. It sucked. Constant downtime. Dreadfully slow performance. It was truly terrible. There was a three week outage (!) about two weeks after I signed up! I tried to stick it out with them, but I moved to Hostgator.com and they've been far and away better.
I use site5 and there is another guy here that uses them and posts on site5s forums quite often that really likes them.
What kind of site is this you'll be hosting? I have a few Linux servers with Rackspace running Plesk, not cPanel but has PHP5 / MySQL. But it would be in a shared environment.

DNS is managed by a Rackspace Control Panel but is excellent. PM me if you're interested.