dns reroute


Jun 7, 2004
i need to rerout mail.mymailstation.com to mail.powerweb.net. the only way i can think of(and the only way the device will let me) is dns reroute. i need some help doing this.
just add an A record going to the IP of mail.powerweb.net

mail.mystation.com A <IPAddress>

what DNS server are you using?
i guess to add info. im using a mailstation. its a little dial up mail checker. it is supost to be a pay service thing, but i was reading that i can make a dns server that rerouts the default pop 3 to my own
puck, if you already own the domain name, but don't have a host for DNS services, you can check out www.everydns.net and they will host it for you. Also, what you probably want to to is make a cname record, aka conical name (might have that misspelled) you add the host on your network, and specify the target as the actually name of the host, not ip. This way, if your mail host changes servers, you don't have to edit your own dns information. also, make sure to get rid of the wildcard host in the dns, or else that will likely be used instead of your actual host you specify.
i dont own either.

i dont know what else i need to make this easier

i need to set up a dns server to reroute mail.mymailstation.com to mail.powerweb.net
i want to be able to connect to my dns server that i dont have and check my mail on the mailstation.
well, you could use your hosts file? I can't remeber exactly where its at in windows, but for linux its normally /etc/hosts. You could search for it, the name is hosts, and if you want have it do a content search of localhost, as that should always be defined in your hosts file.
its a dial up mail station. i need it to call up a dns server and rerout the two addresses.
how is this thing connected to the internet? dialup i think?

so then you are probably just using the settings from your ISP for dns servers (set automatically)

I don't know how you could get around that.....but if this thing works across a LAN....then theres possibilities :D

i need to make a dns server that will allow me to rerout the two addresses.
the mail sation is dial up for the 3rd time.

i need to connect the mailstation to my isp (powerweb) then i need it to go to a dns server that i need to make. the dns server will reroute mail.mymailstation.com to mail.powerweb.net

thats it. i need help setting up a dns server that will let me do that.
<quote>I've hacked my MailStation to use a generic ISP and POP/SMTP email server. It wasn't that hard.

The machine will let you configure the dialup number, login, password, and so on for each "User".

They only fields you can't change are the SMTP and POP server names. These are fixed at "smtp.mymailstation.com" and "mail.mymailstation.com".

HOWEVER, you *can* edit the DNS server. There's the rub. I pointed it at a DNS server I control, and became an authoritative master for the mymailstation.com domain. Now I can point those two hostnames to any other host I choose.

Works great! I'm reading email on a generic POP account and so on, using no Cidco subscription services.

Since it does connect straight to a phone line, it's unclear if Cidco could still reprogram some part of it. While I can watch it do name lookups, I can't see all the internet traffic it generates. Cidco literature says it can be reconfigured remotely, so I wouldn't put it past them.

On the other hand, it's really a small set of hackers that would be both motivated and empowered to "retarget" it. You would have be willing to spend $99 for an email-only machine, run your own 7/24 DNS server, and so on. I'm guessing I'm one of very few getting excited over this</quote>

i found this on the net. this is what i want to do.
all you need to do is get a DNS server that is out on the public internet somewhere, with a public ip, and create a couple of records on it. I hvae no clue how you might go about doing that though, unless you have ties to someone who runs a publc DNS server or something

if you are really desperate and want to try it sometime, PM me, and we can see if I can make my dns server play nice :D